Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CBaseExperiment::AbstractOperationWrapperThe base abstract class for operation wrappers
 CBaseExperiment::OperationWrapper< T >The class for operation wrappers
 CBaseExperiment::OperationWrapperOneParameter< T, P0 >The class for operation wrappers taking one parameter
 CBaseExperiment::OperationWrapperThreeParameters< T, P0, P1, P2 >The class for operation wrappers taking three parameters
 CBaseExperiment::OperationWrapperTwoParameters< T, P0, P1 >The class for operation wrappers taking two parameters
 CActivationsToGuiThe class with data exchanged with the GUI
 CPhyObject2DWrapper::AngularRangeAndColorThe structure with angular range and color used by the computeLinearViewFieldOccupiedRange() function
 CAvailableTestListA class with only static members holding the list of available tests
 CArenaExceptionThe exception thrown at runtime by the arena
 CEvonetIteratorInvalidStatusExceptionThe exception thrown when EvonetIterator is not in a valid status
 CSampleFileLoadingExceptionThe exception thrown when an error occurs during IR sample files loading
 CDataDownloader< __BaseExperiment_internal::OperationStatus > [external]
 CDataUploaderDownloader< __BaseExperiment_internal::OperationControl, __BaseExperiment_internal::OperationStatus > [external]
 CBaseExperimentGUIThe GUI to control a BaseExperiment subclass
 CDataDownloader< DownloadedData_t > [external]
 CDataUploader< __BaseExperiment_internal::OperationControl > [external]
 CDataUploaderDownloader< __BaseExperiment_internal::OperationControl, __BaseExperiment_internal::OperationStatus > [external]
 CDataUploader< UploadedData_t > [external]
 CEvaluatorThreadForEvogaThis is an helper class for implementing multithread in Evoga
 CEvaluatorThreadForXnesThis is an helper class for implementing multithread in xNES
 CFarsaPluginInterface for implement a plugin for adding new feature to FARSA
 CFitnessAndIdA simple structure keeping a fitness value and the id of a genotype
 CFlowControlledThe base for classes that have a controllable flow of execution
 CBaseExperimentThe base class for experiments
 CFlowControllerThe interface for classes controlling the flow of execution
 CDummyFlowControllerA dummy flow controller
 CImagePointThe structure modelling a single point on a 2D image
 CMusclePairMusclePair class
 COperationControlThe data sent by a BaseExperimentGUI instance to the corresponding experiment
 COperationStatusThe data sent by a BaseExperiment instance to the corresponding GUI
 COwnable [external]
 CWObject [external]
 CGraphicalWObject [external]
 CPhyEpuck [external]
 CPhyKhepera [external]
 CPhyMarXbot [external]
 CParameterSettable [external]
 CParameterSettableInConstructor [external]
 CArenaThe class modelling an arena
 CNoisyDeviceThe base abstract class for devices (sensors and motors) with noise
 CRobotAn abstract class for robots
 CParameterSettableWithConfigureFunction [external]
 CAbstractTestAn abstract class for tests of evolved individuals
 CComponentThe Component is the base (abstract) class for any specific project implementation
 CEvogaGenetic algorithm from evorobot more or less (spare parts)
 CEvonetEvonet is the neural network taken from the EvoRobot
 CEvoRobotExperimentThe base common class that evaluate the fitness of a robot
 CParameterSettableUI [external]
 CBaseExperimentUIManagerThe UI manager
 CBaseExperimentThe base class for experiments
 CPhyObject2DWrapperA class wrapping a PhyObject to add methods suitable for wheeled robots simulations
 CBox2DWrapperThe subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a box
 CCylinder2DWrapperThe subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a cylinder
 CSphere2DWrapperThe subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a sphere
 CWheeledRobot2DWrapperThe subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a wheeled robot
 CEvoga::PopulationA class modelling a population of genomes
 CProjectorA class projecting a 3D space point into a 2D image point
 CProportionalControllerImplements a prorportional controller
 CAbstractTestAn abstract class for tests of evolved individuals
 CComponentThe Component is the base (abstract) class for any specific project implementation
 CEvogaGenetic algorithm from evorobot more or less (spare parts)
 CEvonetEvonet is the neural network taken from the EvoRobot
 CEvoRobotExperimentThe base common class that evaluate the fitness of a robot
 CWObjectsListA class representing a list of objects
 CBaseExperimentGUIThe GUI to control a BaseExperiment subclass
 CRenderWorldWrapperWidgetThe wrapper widget for RenderWorld
 CTestIndividualGUIA gui visualizing the camera and the projection of objects on the retina
 CResource [external]
 CNeuronsIteratorThe base abstract class for iterating over neurons of a neural network
 CEvonetIteratorThis class iterate over the neurons of a Evonet neural network
 CNeuralNetIteratorThis class iterate over the neurons of a NNFW neural network
 CResourcesUser [external]
 CConcurrentResourcesUser [external]
 CWObjectsListA class representing a list of objects
 CSampledIRDataLoaderAn helper class to load sampled data from file
 CThreadOperation [external]
 CBaseExperimentThe base class for experiments
 CEvolveOperationOperation for evolution process
 CTestOperationOperation for testing process
 CTotal99ResourcesThis class has static method for retrieving the resources for the application