Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
►Nfarsa | |
►N__BaseExperiment_internal | The namespace with helper code for the BaseExperiment class |
CBaseExperimentUIManager | The UI manager |
COperationControl | The data sent by a BaseExperimentGUI instance to the corresponding experiment |
COperationStatus | The data sent by a BaseExperiment instance to the corresponding GUI |
►N__MarXbotTractionSensor_internal | |
CTractionSensorGraphic | The graphical representation of the MarXbot traction sensor |
►NLinearCameraNew | The namespace with the old implementation of the linear camera |
►N__LinearCamera_internal | |
CLinearCameraGraphic | The graphical representation of the linear camera |
CLinearCamera | An helper class for linear camera sensors of various robots |
►NLinearCameraOld | The namespace with the old implementation of the linear camera |
►N__LinearCamera_internal | |
CLinearCameraGraphic | The graphical representation of the linear camera |
CLinearCamera | An helper class for linear camera sensors of various robots |
CAbstractTest | An abstract class for tests of evolved individuals |
CActivationsToGui | The class with data exchanged with the GUI |
CArena | The class modelling an arena |
CArenaException | The exception thrown at runtime by the arena |
CAvailableTestList | A class with only static members holding the list of available tests |
►CBaseExperiment | The base class for experiments |
CAbstractOperationWrapper | The base abstract class for operation wrappers |
COperationWrapper | The class for operation wrappers |
COperationWrapperOneParameter | The class for operation wrappers taking one parameter |
COperationWrapperThreeParameters | The class for operation wrappers taking three parameters |
COperationWrapperTwoParameters | The class for operation wrappers taking two parameters |
CBaseExperimentGUI | The GUI to control a BaseExperiment subclass |
CBox2DWrapper | The subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a box |
CComponent | The Component is the base (abstract) class for any specific project implementation |
CCylinder2DWrapper | The subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a cylinder |
CDataChunk | |
CDummyFlowController | A dummy flow controller |
CEpuck | The class modelling the e-puck robot |
CEpuckGroundIRSensor | The infrared ground sensors of the e-puck |
CEpuckLinearCameraSensor | The linear camera sensor of the e-puck |
CEpuckMotor | The base abstract class for e-puck motors |
CEpuckProximityIRSensor | The infrared proximity sensors of the e-puck |
CEpuckSampledProximityIRSensor | The sampled proximity infrared sensors of the e-puck |
CEpuckSensor | The base abstract class for e-puck sensors |
CEpuckWheelVelocityMotor | The motor controlling the velocity of the wheels of the e-puck |
CEvaluatorThreadForEvoga | This is an helper class for implementing multithread in Evoga |
CEvaluatorThreadForXnes | This is an helper class for implementing multithread in xNES |
CEvoDataViewer | |
►CEvoga | Genetic algorithm from evorobot more or less (spare parts) |
CPopulation | A class modelling a population of genomes |
CEvoListViewer | |
CEvolveOperation | Operation for evolution process |
CEvonet | Evonet is the neural network taken from the EvoRobot |
CEvonetIterator | This class iterate over the neurons of a Evonet neural network |
CEvonetIteratorInvalidStatusException | The exception thrown when EvonetIterator is not in a valid status |
CEvonetUI | |
CEvoRobotComponent | This class setup an evolutionary experiment |
CEvoRobotExperiment | The base common class that evaluate the fitness of a robot |
CEvoRobotViewer | |
CEvoSlider | |
CFakeMotor | A class to add output neurons that can be used for custom operations |
CFakeSensor | A class to add input neurons that can be used for custom operations |
CFitnessAndId | A simple structure keeping a fitness value and the id of a genotype |
CFitViewer | |
CFlowControlled | The base for classes that have a controllable flow of execution |
CFlowController | The interface for classes controlling the flow of execution |
CHolisticViewer | |
CImagePoint | The structure modelling a single point on a 2D image |
CKhepera | The class modelling the Khepera robot |
CKheperaGroundSensor | The ground sensor of the Khepera |
CKheperaMotor | The base abstract class for khepera motors |
CKheperaProximityIRSensor | The infrared proximity sensors of the khepera |
CKheperaSampledLightSensor | The sampled light sensors of the Khepera |
CKheperaSampledProximityIRSensor | The sampled proximity infrared sensors of the Khepera |
CKheperaSensor | The base abstract class for khepera sensors |
CKheperaWheelSpeedsSensor | The sensor reporting the actual velocity of the wheels of the Khepera |
CKheperaWheelVelocityMotor | The motor controlling the velocity of the wheels of the khepera |
CMarXbot | The class modelling the marXbot robot |
CMarXbotAttachmentDeviceMotor | The motor controlling the attachment device of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotAttachmentDeviceSensor | The sensor providing the attachment device proprioception |
CMarXbotColorMotor | The motor controlling the color of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotGroundAroundIRSensor | The infrared ground around sensors of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotGroundBottomIRSensor | The infrared ground bottom sensors of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotLaserFrontDistanceSensor | A frontal distance sensor for long distances |
CMarXbotLaserOmniDistanceSensor | An Omnidirectional distance sensor for long distances |
CMarXbotLinearCameraSensor | The linear camera sensor of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotLinearCameraSensorNew | The linear camera sensor of the MarXbot (new implementation) |
CMarXbotMotor | The base abstract class for MarXbot motors |
CMarXbotProximityIRSensor | The infrared proximity sensors of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotSampledProximityIRSensor | The sampled proximity infrared sensors of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotSensor | The base abstract class for MarXbot sensors |
CMarXbotTractionSensor | The traction sensors of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotWheelSpeedsSensor | The sensor reporting the actual velocity of the wheels of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotWheelVelocityMotor | The motor controlling the velocity of the wheels of the MarXbot |
CMarXbotWheelVelOrient | The motor controlling the velocity of the wheels of the MarXbot |
CMixerDialog | |
CMotor | The base abstract class for the Motor hierarchy |
CMusclePair | MusclePair class |
CNetworkDialog | |
CNeuralNetIterator | This class iterate over the neurons of a NNFW neural network |
CNeuronsIterator | The base abstract class for iterating over neurons of a neural network |
CNoisyDevice | The base abstract class for devices (sensors and motors) with noise |
CObjectPositionSensor | It gets the three absolute coordinate (world frame) of an object |
►CPhyObject2DWrapper | A class wrapping a PhyObject to add methods suitable for wheeled robots simulations |
CAngularRangeAndColor | The structure with angular range and color used by the computeLinearViewFieldOccupiedRange() function |
CProjector | A class projecting a 3D space point into a 2D image point |
CProportionalController | Implements a prorportional controller |
CRenderWorldWrapperWidget | The wrapper widget for RenderWorld |
CRendNetwork | |
CRobot | An abstract class for robots |
CRobotOnPlane | The base class for robots that move on a plane |
CSampledIRDataLoader | An helper class to load sampled data from file |
CSampleFileLoadingException | The exception thrown when an error occurs during IR sample files loading |
CSensor | The base abstract class for the Sensor hierarchy |
CSphere2DWrapper | The subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a sphere |
CTestCurrent | Tests the current individual, i.e |
CTestIndividual | Test a specific individual taken from evolutionary data |
CTestIndividualGUI | A gui visualizing the camera and the projection of objects on the retina |
CTestOperation | Operation for testing process |
CTestRandom | Test a robot using a random genotype |
CTotal99Resources | This class has static method for retrieving the resources for the application |
CWheeledRobot2DWrapper | The subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a wheeled robot |
CWObjectsList | A class representing a list of objects |
CFarsaPlugin | Interface for implement a plugin for adding new feature to FARSA |