Inheritance diagram for FitViewer:

Public Member Functions

 FitViewer (QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags flags=0)
 FitViewer (int nchunks, int chunkSize, QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags flags=0)
void checkChunkRange (int chunk)
void diplayUntilStep (int st)
int getCurrentGeneration ()
bool loadRawData (int nchunk, const QString &filename, int column)
void reset ()
void setChunkLabel (int ch, const QString &label)
void setChunkProperties (int ch, const QString &label, QColor color, bool visible)
void setChunkValue (int ch, int ind, double value)
bool setChunkValue (const QString &name, int ind, double value)
void setLabels (const QString &title, const QString &xlabel, const QString &ylabel)
void setValues (int gen, double min, double average, double max)
void sortchunks ()

Protected Member Functions

void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *evt)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 188 of file evodataviewer.h.

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