Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAxisAlignedBox< T >
 CAxisAlignedBox< Vector3 >
 CConstraintAn interface class for Frame constraints
 CAxisPlaneConstraintAn abstract class for Frame Constraints defined by an axis or a plane
 CContactContact class
 CInternalData< Shared >Internal data for wVectorT
 CwVectorT< Shared >WVector class
 CwVectorT< false >
 CwVectorT< true >
 CInternalData< true >Internal data for wVectorT
 CWMesh::MaterialMaterial properties
 CMaterialDBMaterialDB class managea the material properties
 CWMesh::MeshMesh struct
 CMouseGrabberAbstract class for objects that grab mouse focus in a QGLViewer
 CManipulatedFrameA ManipulatedFrame is a Frame that can be rotated and translated using the mouse
 COwnableThe base for all class that can have (and can be) an owner
 CMotorControllerMotorController Class
 CPhyJointPhyJoint class
 CSensorControllerThe base abstract class for sensor controllers
 CWObjectWorld's Object class
 COwnable::OwnedThe structure with information about the owned object
 CQGLViewerA versatile 3D OpenGL viewer based on QGLWidget
 CPhyDOFPhyDOF class
 CRenderWObjectRenderWObject class
 CWObjectWorld's Object class
 CWorldWorld class
 CCameraA perspective or orthographic camera
 CFrameCoordinate system, defined by a position and an orientation
 CKeyFrameInterpolatorA keyFrame Catmull-Rom Frame interpolator
 CQuaternion3D rotations and orientations
 CSimpleControlSimpleControl class
 CRayCastHitRaycast intersection class
 CResource [external]
 CResourcesUser [external]
 CPhyCylinder::SegmentColorThe structure used to define the color of intervals of the cylinder
 CSingleIRA single proximity IR sensor
 CWMesh::TriangleTriangle struct
 CVec3D positions and 3D vectors
 CWMesh::VertexVertex struct
 CWAbstractCreatorAbstract Creator of RenderWObject objects
 CWCreator< T >Template facility to create WAbstractCreator specialization
 CwMatrixWMatrix class
 CwPIDWPID class
 CwQuaternionWQuaternion class