200 void setProximityIRSensorsGraphicalProperties(bool drawSensor, bool drawRay = false, bool drawRealRay = false);
212 void setGroundIRSensorsGraphicalProperties(bool drawSensor, bool drawRay = false, bool drawRealRay = false);
static const real batteryplacex
The x dimension of the battery pack under the robot.
Definition: phyepuck.h:53
static const real wholebodym
The mass of the robot without the wheels and the battery.
Definition: phyepuck.h:91
WheelMotorController * wheelsController()
Returns the motor controller for the wheels.
Definition: phyepuck.h:149
bool isKinematic() const
Returns true if we are using the kinematic model.
Definition: phyepuck.h:247
static const real batteryplacez
The z dimension of the battery pack under the robot.
Definition: phyepuck.h:63
An helper class to draw stuffs in the world.
Definition: graphicalwobject.h:48
static const real axletrack
The distance between the two motorized wheels.
Definition: phyepuck.h:111
SimulatedIRGroundSensorController * groundIRSensorController()
Returns the ground IR sensors controller.
Definition: phyepuck.h:169
static const real batteryplacey
The y dimension of the battery pack under the robot.
Definition: phyepuck.h:58
A collection of SingleIR modelling ground sensors.
Definition: sensorcontrollers.h:587
static const real batteryplacedistancefromground
The distance of the battery pack from the ground.
Definition: phyepuck.h:73
float real
static const real bodyh
The height of the upper part of the robot (containing the main electionic board)
Definition: phyepuck.h:85
Dedicated controller for wheeled robots.
Definition: motorcontrollers.h:167
SimulatedIRProximitySensorController * proximityIRSensorController()
Returns the proximity infrared sensors controller.
Definition: phyepuck.h:159
A collection of SingleIR.
Definition: sensorcontrollers.h:504
static const real bodyr
The radius of the upper part of the robot (containing the main electionic board)
Definition: phyepuck.h:79