Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CCircularDependencyExceptionThe exception thrown when DependencySorter finds a circular dependency
 CInvalidNewDatumAvailableBehaviorExceptionThe exception thrown when using invalid combinations of NewDatumAvailableBehavior and objects for notifications
 CRuntimeUserExceptionA generic exception the user can throw at runtime
 CStandardLibraryExceptionAn exception thrown when we catch standard library exceptions in a worker thread
 CUnknownExceptionThe exception stored when an unknown exception is thrown by a ThreadOperation
 CUploaderDownloaderAssociationNotPresentExceptionThe exception thrown when trying to create a datum or download without an uploader/downloader association in place
 CUploaderDownloaderAssociationNotUniqueExceptionThe exception thrown when the association between uploader and downloader is not 1:1
 CCommentPositionA structure keeping the position of C/C++ comments in a string
 CDataDownloader< DataType_t >The class used to download data
 CDataDownloader< DataType >
 CDataDownloader< DownloadedData_t >
 CDataUploaderDownloader< UploadedData_t, DownloadedData_t >A class for bi-directional communication
 CDataUploader< DataType_t >The class used to upload data
 CDataUploader< DataType >
 CDataUploader< UploadedData_t >
 CDataUploaderDownloader< UploadedData_t, DownloadedData_t >A class for bi-directional communication
 CDatumToUpload< DataType_t >The class used to implement RAII for data uploading
 CDependencySorter< ElementType_t >A class to return data sorted by dependency
 CDownloader< DataType_t >
 CDependencySorter< ElementType_t >::ElementAndDepenciesA structure containing an element and the list of its dependencies
 CGlobalUploaderDownloaderThe class to create or remove associations and to wake all sleeping uploaders and downloaders
 CIntervalsThe class modelling intervals of floating point values
 CLoggerLogger class provides methods for logging messages
 CNewDatumNotifiable< DataType_t >The interface for classes that want to be notified when a new datum is available
 CNewDatumNotifiable< DataType >
 COptionParserA command line option parser
 CNewDatumEvent< DataType_t >The event sent to downloader when a new datum is ready
 CQueueHolderBaseThe parent of the class containing the queue and all related elements
 CQueueHolder< DataType_t >The class containing the queue and all related elements
 CWorkerThreadSupporting thread in order to run operations on a different thread instead of the GUI thread
 CDataStreamsWidgetThis widget display one or more DataStreamPlot and utility toolbar for interacting with them
 CDataStreamExtend QwtArraySeriesData in order to append data incrementally
 CDataStreamPlotThe DataStreamPlot display a series of data streams into the plot storing all the history of the data pushed into the DataStreamPlot during time
 CRandomGeneratorRandom Generator Utility Class
 CResourceVector< T >A vector that can be used as a resource
 CSimpleIntervalA class modelling a range of real values
 CSimpleTimerSimpleTimer object
 CStringPositionA structure keeping the position of C/C++ strings or characters in a program
 CThreadOperationInterface for describing an operation to do for the WorkerThread