1 /********************************************************************************
2  * FARSA Experiments Library *
3  * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 *
4  * Gianluca Massera <emmegian@yahoo.it> *
5  * Stefano Nolfi <stefano.nolfi@istc.cnr.it> *
6  * Tomassino Ferrauto <tomassino.ferrauto@istc.cnr.it> *
7  * Onofrio Gigliotta <onofrio.gigliotta@istc.cnr.it> *
8  * *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
11  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
12  * (at your option) any later version. *
13  * *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
17  * GNU General Public License for more details. *
18  * *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
20  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *
22  ********************************************************************************/
24 #include "epucksensors.h"
25 #include "configurationhelper.h"
26 #include "logger.h"
27 #include "graphicalwobject.h"
28 #include "arena.h"
29 #include <limits>
31 namespace farsa {
34  Sensor(params, prefix),
35  m_epuckResource("robot"),
36  m_neuronsIteratorResource("neuronsIterator")
37 {
38  // Reading parameters
42  // Declaring the resources that are needed here
44 }
47 {
48  // Nothing to do here
49 }
51 void EpuckSensor::save(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
52 {
53  // Calling parent function
54  Sensor::save(params, prefix);
56  // Saving parameters
57  params.startObjectParameters(prefix, "EpuckSensor", this);
58  params.createParameter(prefix, "epuck", m_epuckResource);
59  params.createParameter(prefix, "neuronsIterator", m_neuronsIteratorResource);
60 }
62 void EpuckSensor::describe(QString type)
63 {
64  // Calling parent function
65  Sensor::describe(type);
67  // Describing our parameters
68  Descriptor d = addTypeDescription(type, "The base class for e-puck sensors");
69  d.describeString("epuck").def("robot").help("the name of the resource associated with the e-puck robot to use (default is \"robot\")");
70  d.describeString("neuronsIterator").def("neuronsIterator").help("the name of the resource associated with the neural network iterator (default is \"neuronsIterator\")");
71 }
73 void EpuckSensor::resourceChanged(QString resourceName, ResourceChangeType changeType)
74 {
75  // Calling parent function
76  Sensor::resourceChanged(resourceName, changeType);
78  // Here we only check whether the resource has been deleted and reset the check flag, the
79  // actual work is done in subclasses
80  if (changeType == Deleted) {
82  return;
83  }
84 }
87  EpuckSensor(params, prefix),
88  m_robot(NULL),
89  m_neuronsIterator(NULL)
90 {
91 }
94 {
95  // Nothing to do here
96 }
99 {
100  // Calling parent function
101  EpuckSensor::save(params, prefix);
103  // Saving parameters
104  params.startObjectParameters(prefix, "EpuckProximityIRSensor", this);
105 }
108 {
109  // Calling parent function
110  EpuckSensor::describe(type);
112  // Describing our parameters
113  Descriptor d = addTypeDescription(type, "The infrared proximity sensors of the e-puck robot", "The infrared proximity sensors of the e-puck robot. These are the very short range IR sensors all around the base");
114 }
117 {
118  // Checking all resources we need exist
121  // Acquiring the lock to get resources
122  ResourcesLocker locker( this );
124  m_neuronsIterator->setCurrentBlock(name());
125  for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
126  m_neuronsIterator->setInput(applyNoise(m_robot->proximityIRSensorController()->activation(i), 0.0, 1.0));
127  }
128 }
131 {
132  return 8;
133 }
135 void EpuckProximityIRSensor::resourceChanged(QString resourceName, ResourceChangeType changeType)
136 {
137  // Calling parent function
138  EpuckSensor::resourceChanged(resourceName, changeType);
140  if (changeType == Deleted) {
141  return;
142  }
144  if (resourceName == m_epuckResource) {
145  m_robot = getResource<PhyEpuck>();
147  // Eanbling sensors
148  m_robot->proximityIRSensorController()->setEnabled(true);
149  } else if (resourceName == m_neuronsIteratorResource) {
150  m_neuronsIterator = getResource<NeuronsIterator>();
151  m_neuronsIterator->setCurrentBlock(name());
152  for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
153  m_neuronsIterator->setGraphicProperties("ir" + QString::number(i), 0.0, 1.0, Qt::red);
154  }
155  } else {
156  Logger::info("Unknown resource " + resourceName + " for " + name());
157  }
158 }
161  EpuckSensor(params, prefix),
162  m_robot(NULL),
163  m_neuronsIterator(NULL),
164  m_arena(NULL)
165 {
166  // Here we also need the arena to work
167  addUsableResource("arena");
168 }
171 {
172  // Nothing to do here
173 }
176 {
177  // Calling parent function
178  EpuckSensor::save(params, prefix);
180  // Saving parameters
181  params.startObjectParameters(prefix, "EpuckGroundIRSensor", this);
182 }
185 {
186  // Calling parent function
187  EpuckSensor::describe(type);
189  // Describing our parameters
190  Descriptor d = addTypeDescription(type, "The infrared ground sensors of the e-puck robot", "The infrared ground sensors of the e-puck robot. These are the three ground sensors in the frontal part of the robot.");
191 }
194 {
195  // Checking all resources we need exist
198  // Acquiring the lock to get resources
199  ResourcesLocker locker( this );
201  // Setting neurons activations
202  m_neuronsIterator->setCurrentBlock(name());
203  for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
204  const wVector sensorPosition = m_robot->matrix().transformVector(m_robot->groundIRSensorController()->sensors()[i].getPosition());
205  const QColor color = getColorAtArenaGroundPosition(m_arena, sensorPosition);
206  const real actv = real(qGray(color.rgb())) / 255.0;
208  m_neuronsIterator->setInput(applyNoise(actv, 0.0, 1.0));
209  }
210 }
213 {
214  return 3;
215 }
217 void EpuckGroundIRSensor::resourceChanged(QString resourceName, ResourceChangeType changeType)
218 {
219  // Calling parent function
220  EpuckSensor::resourceChanged(resourceName, changeType);
222  if (changeType == Deleted) {
223  return;
224  }
226  if (resourceName == m_epuckResource) {
227  m_robot = getResource<PhyEpuck>();
229  // Eanbling sensors
230  m_robot->groundIRSensorController()->setEnabled(true);
231  } else if (resourceName == m_neuronsIteratorResource) {
232  m_neuronsIterator = getResource<NeuronsIterator>();
233  m_neuronsIterator->setCurrentBlock(name());
234  for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
235  m_neuronsIterator->setGraphicProperties("gb" + QString::number(i), 0.0, 1.0, Qt::red);
236  }
237  } else if (resourceName == "arena") {
238  // Storing the pointer to the arena
239  m_arena = getResource<Arena>();
240  } else {
241  Logger::info("Unknown resource " + resourceName + " for " + name());
242  }
243 }
246  EpuckSensor(params, prefix),
247  m_robot(NULL),
248  m_neuronsIterator(NULL),
249  m_numReceptors(ConfigurationHelper::getInt(params, prefix + "numReceptors", 8)),
250  m_aperture(ConfigurationHelper::getDouble(params, prefix + "aperture", 360.0f)),
251  m_camera(NULL),
252  m_drawCamera(ConfigurationHelper::getBool(params, prefix + "drawCamera", true)),
253  m_ignoreWalls(ConfigurationHelper::getBool(params, prefix + "ignoreWalls", false))
254 {
255 }
258 {
259  // Deleting the camera
260  delete m_camera;
261 }
264 {
265  // Calling parent function
266  EpuckSensor::save(params, prefix);
268  // Saving parameters
269  params.startObjectParameters(prefix, "EpuckLinearCameraSensor", this);
270  params.createParameter(prefix, "numReceptors", QString::number(m_numReceptors));
271  params.createParameter(prefix, "aperture", QString::number(m_aperture));
272  params.createParameter(prefix, "drawCamera", (m_drawCamera ? "true" : "false"));
273  params.createParameter(prefix, "ignoreWalls", (m_ignoreWalls ? "true" : "false"));
274 }
277 {
278  // Calling parent function
279  EpuckSensor::describe(type);
281  // Describing our parameters
282  Descriptor d = addTypeDescription(type, "The linear camera sensor of the e-puck robot", "This is a linear camera with configurable aperture");
283  d.describeInt("numReceptors").def(8).limits(1, MaxInteger).help("The number of receptors of the sensor", "Each receptor returns three values, one for each of the three colors (red, green, blue). This means that the size returned by this sensor is 3 * numReceptors (default is 8)");
284  d.describeReal("aperture").def(360.0f).limits(0.0f, 360.0f).help("The aperture of the camera in degrees", "The real e-puck has a camera with an aperture of 36 degrees, but here you can use any value up to 360° (default is 36)");
285  d.describeBool("drawCamera").def(true).help("Whether to draw the camera or not");
286  d.describeBool("ignoreWalls").def(false).help("whether to perceive walls or not (default is false)");
287 }
290 {
291  // Checking all resources we need exist
294  // Acquiring the lock to get resources
295  ResourcesLocker locker( this );
297  // Updating the camera
298  m_camera->update();
300  // Reading activations: first the red one, then the green one and finally the blue one
301  m_neuronsIterator->setCurrentBlock(name());
302  for (int i = 0; i < m_numReceptors; i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
303  m_neuronsIterator->setInput(applyNoise(m_camera->colorForReceptor(i).redF(), 0.0, 1.0));
304  }
305  for (int i = 0; i < m_numReceptors; i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
306  m_neuronsIterator->setInput(applyNoise(m_camera->colorForReceptor(i).greenF(), 0.0, 1.0));
307  }
308  for (int i = 0; i < m_numReceptors; i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
309  m_neuronsIterator->setInput(applyNoise(m_camera->colorForReceptor(i).blueF(), 0.0, 1.0));
310  }
311 }
314 {
315  return m_numReceptors * 3;
316 }
318 void EpuckLinearCameraSensor::resourceChanged(QString resourceName, ResourceChangeType changeType)
319 {
320  // Calling parent function
321  EpuckSensor::resourceChanged(resourceName, changeType);
323  if (changeType == Deleted) {
324  // Deleting the camera if the robot was deleted
325  if (resourceName == m_epuckResource) {
326  delete m_camera;
327  m_camera = NULL;
328  }
330  return;
331  }
333  if (resourceName == m_epuckResource) {
334  m_robot = getResource<PhyEpuck>();
336  // Now we can also create the camera
337  wMatrix mtr = wMatrix::roll(-PI_GRECO / 2.0);
338 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(DEVELOPER_WARNINGS)
340 #endif
341  mtr.w_pos.z = 0.06f;
342  m_camera = new LinearCamera(m_robot, mtr, toRad(m_aperture), m_numReceptors, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), Qt::black);
344  // Sharing resources with the camera
345  m_camera->shareResourcesWith(this);
346  m_camera->drawCamera(m_drawCamera);
347  m_camera->ignoreWalls(m_ignoreWalls);
348  } else if (resourceName == m_neuronsIteratorResource) {
349  m_neuronsIterator = getResource<NeuronsIterator>();
350  m_neuronsIterator->setCurrentBlock(name());
351  int i = 0;
352  for (; i < m_numReceptors; i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
353  m_neuronsIterator->setGraphicProperties("lr" + QString::number(i % m_numReceptors), 0.0, 1.0, Qt::red);
354  }
355  for (; i < 2 * m_numReceptors; i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
356  m_neuronsIterator->setGraphicProperties("lg" + QString::number(i % m_numReceptors), 0.0, 1.0, Qt::red);
357  }
358  for (; i < 3 * m_numReceptors; i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
359  m_neuronsIterator->setGraphicProperties("lb" + QString::number(i % m_numReceptors), 0.0, 1.0, Qt::red);
360  }
361  } else {
362  Logger::info("Unknown resource " + resourceName + " for " + name());
363  }
364 }
367  EpuckSensor(params, prefix),
368  m_robot(NULL),
369  m_arena(NULL),
370  m_neuronsIterator(NULL),
371  m_roundSamples(ConfigurationHelper::getString(params, prefix + "roundSamples", "round.sam")),
372  m_smallSamples(ConfigurationHelper::getString(params, prefix + "smallSamples", "small.sam")),
373  m_wallSamples(ConfigurationHelper::getString(params, prefix + "wallSamples", "wall.sam"))
374 {
375  // Checking that the sampled files have the right number of IR sensors
376  if (m_roundSamples.numIR() != 8) {
377  ConfigurationHelper::throwUserConfigError(prefix + "roundSamples", m_roundSamples.filename(), "The file has samples for the wrong number of sensors, expected 8, got " + QString::number(m_roundSamples.numIR()));
378  }
379  if (m_smallSamples.numIR() != 8) {
380  ConfigurationHelper::throwUserConfigError(prefix + "smallSamples", m_smallSamples.filename(), "The file has samples for the wrong number of sensors, expected 8, got " + QString::number(m_smallSamples.numIR()));
381  }
382  if (m_wallSamples.numIR() != 8) {
383  ConfigurationHelper::throwUserConfigError(prefix + "wallSamples", m_wallSamples.filename(), "The file has samples for the wrong number of sensors, expected 8, got " + QString::number(m_wallSamples.numIR()));
384  }
386  // Here we also need the arena to work
387  addUsableResource("arena");
388 }
391 {
392  // Nothing to do here
393 }
396 {
397  // Calling parent function
398  EpuckSensor::save(params, prefix);
400  // Saving parameters
401  params.startObjectParameters(prefix, "EpuckSampledProximityIRSensor", this);
402  params.createParameter(prefix, "roundSamples", m_roundSamples.filename());
403  params.createParameter(prefix, "smallSamples", m_smallSamples.filename());
404  params.createParameter(prefix, "wallSamples", m_wallSamples.filename());
405 }
408 {
409  // Calling parent function
410  EpuckSensor::describe(type);
412  // Describing our parameters
413  Descriptor d = addTypeDescription(type, "The sampled proximity infrared sensors of the e-puck", "This is the sampled version of the proximity infrared sensors of the e-puck. This sensor only works with objects created using the Arena");
414  d.describeString("roundSamples").def("round.sam").help("The name of the file with samples for big round objects");
415  d.describeString("smallSamples").def("small.sam").help("The name of the file with samples for small round objects");
416  d.describeString("wallSamples").def("wall.sam").help("The name of the file with samples for walls");
417 }
420 {
421  // Checking all resources we need exist
424  // Acquiring the lock to get resources
425  ResourcesLocker locker(this);
427  // Getting the list of objects in the arena
428  const QVector<PhyObject2DWrapper*>& objectsList = m_arena->getObjects();
430  // Preparing the vector with activations and setting all values to 0
431  QVector<real> activations(size(), 0.0);
433  // Cycling through the list of objects. We first need to get the current position and orientation of the robot
434  //const wVector robotPos = m_robot->position();
435  //const real robotAng = m_robot->orientation(m_arena->getPlane());
436  foreach(const PhyObject2DWrapper* obj, objectsList) {
437  // Computing angle and distance. We don't need to remove the robot to which this sensor belongs because
438  // the calculatations will give a negative distance
439  double distance;
440  double angle;
442  // If computeDistanceAndOrientationFromRobot returns false, we have to discard this object
443  if (!obj->computeDistanceAndOrientationFromRobot(*(m_arena->getRobotWrapper(m_epuckResource)), distance, angle)) {
444  continue;
445  }
447  // Getting the activation. The switch is to understand which samples to use
448  QVector<unsigned int>::const_iterator actIt = QVector<unsigned int>::const_iterator();
449  switch (obj->type()) {
450  case PhyObject2DWrapper::Wall:
451  actIt = m_wallSamples.getActivation(distance, angle);
452  break;
453  case PhyObject2DWrapper::SmallCylinder:
454  actIt = m_smallSamples.getActivation(distance, angle);
455  break;
456  case PhyObject2DWrapper::BigCylinder:
457  case PhyObject2DWrapper::WheeledRobot:
458  actIt = m_roundSamples.getActivation(distance, angle);
459  break;
460  default:
461  //Logger::warning("The sampled infrared sensor only works with Small Cylinders, Big Cylinders, Walls and other Robots");
462  continue;
463  }
465  // Adding activations in the activations vector
466  for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i, ++actIt) {
467  activations[i] = min(1.0, activations[i] + (real(*actIt) / 1024.0));
468  }
469  }
471  // Finally activating neurons
472  m_neuronsIterator->setCurrentBlock(name());
473  for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
474  m_neuronsIterator->setInput(applyNoise(activations[i], 0.0, 1.0));
475  }
476 }
479 {
480  return 8;
481 }
483 void EpuckSampledProximityIRSensor::resourceChanged(QString resourceName, ResourceChangeType changeType)
484 {
485  // Calling parent function
486  EpuckSensor::resourceChanged(resourceName, changeType);
488  if (changeType == Deleted) {
489  return;
490  }
492  if (resourceName == m_epuckResource) {
493  m_robot = getResource<Epuck>();
495  // Disabling proximity IR sensors, they are not used here
496  m_robot->proximityIRSensorController()->setEnabled(false);
497  } else if (resourceName == m_neuronsIteratorResource) {
498  m_neuronsIterator = getResource<NeuronsIterator>();
499  m_neuronsIterator->setCurrentBlock(name());
500  for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++, m_neuronsIterator->nextNeuron()) {
501  m_neuronsIterator->setGraphicProperties("ir" + QString::number(i), 0.0, 1.0, Qt::red);
502  }
503  } else if (resourceName == "arena") {
504  // Storing the pointer to the arena
505  m_arena = getResource<Arena>();
506  } else {
507  Logger::info("Unknown resource " + resourceName + " for " + name());
508  }
509 }
511 }
void usableResources(QStringList resources)
FARSA_UTIL_TEMPLATE real toRad(real x)
virtual ~EpuckLinearCameraSensor()
virtual int size()
Returns the number of neurons required by this sensor.
virtual Type type() const =0
Returns the type of this wrapper object.
QString m_epuckResource
The name of the resource associated with the e-puck robot.
Definition: epucksensors.h:110
double applyNoise(double v, double minValue, double maxValue) const
Adds noise to the value.
virtual void update()
Performs the sensor update. This also modifies the activation of input neurons.
virtual ~EpuckSampledProximityIRSensor()
virtual int size()
Returns the number of neurons required by this sensor.
QString actualResourceNameForMultirobot(QString resourceName) const
Returns the actual resource name to use.
EpuckLinearCameraSensor(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
static QString getString(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString paramPath, QString def=QString())
void addUsableResource(QString resource)
virtual int size()
Returns the number of neurons required by this sensor.
EpuckProximityIRSensor(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
QString name()
Return the name of the Sensor.
static void describe(QString type)
Generates a description of this class and its parameters.
const WheeledRobot2DWrapper * getRobotWrapper(QString robotName) const
Returns a pointer to the wrapper of a robot given the robot resource name.
Definition: arena.cpp:217
EpuckSensor(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
virtual bool nextNeuron()=0
Go to the next neuron of the current block.
virtual bool setCurrentBlock(QString blockName)=0
Set the current blocks of neurons to iterate.
const QVector< SingleIR > & sensors() const
virtual void update()
Performs the sensor update. This also modifies the activation of input neurons.
virtual void shareResourcesWith(ResourcesUser *buddy)
static void describe(QString type)
Describe all the parameter for configuring the Sensor.
static wMatrix roll(real ang)
virtual void resourceChanged(QString resourceName, ResourceChangeType changeType)
The function called when a resource used here is changed.
virtual void resourceChanged(QString name, ResourceChangeType changeType)
static void throwUserConfigError(QString paramName, QString paramValue, QString description)
virtual void update()
Performs the sensor update. This also modifies the activation of input neurons.
const QColor & colorForReceptor(int i) const
Returns the color perceived by the i-th receptor.
Definition: sensors.h:268
const wMatrix & matrix() const
const QVector< PhyObject2DWrapper * > & getObjects() const
Returns the list of 2D objects.
Definition: arena.h:136
The base abstract class for e-puck sensors.
Definition: epucksensors.h:58
The base abstract class for the Sensor hierarchy.
unsigned int numIR() const
Returns the number of IR sensors as read from the file.
Definition: sensors.h:879
virtual int size()
Returns the number of neurons required by this sensor.
static void info(QString msg)
void ignoreWalls(bool ignore)
Sets whether walls are ignored or not.
Definition: sensors.h:328
virtual ~EpuckSensor()
SimulatedIRGroundSensorController * groundIRSensorController()
A class wrapping a PhyObject to add methods suitable for wheeled robots simulations.
void resetNeededResourcesCheck()
Resets the check on needed resources so that the next call to checkAllNeededResourcesExist() will per...
static void describe(QString type)
Generates a description of this class and its parameters.
bool startObjectParameters(QString groupPath, QString typeName, ParameterSettable *object)
EpuckSampledProximityIRSensor(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
void drawCamera(bool d)
Sets whether to draw the linear camera or not.
Definition: sensors.cpp:704
static Descriptor addTypeDescription(QString type, QString shortHelp, QString longHelp=QString(""))
unsigned int getActivation(unsigned int i, real dist, real ang) const
Returns the activation of the given sensor at the given distance and angle.
Definition: sensors.cpp:1373
void update()
Updates the sensor reading.
Definition: sensors.cpp:579
float real
virtual void save(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
Saves current parameters into the given ConfigurationParameters object.
virtual ~EpuckGroundIRSensor()
virtual void setInput(double value)=0
Set the input of the current neuron.
virtual ~EpuckProximityIRSensor()
virtual void save(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
Saves current parameters into the given ConfigurationParameters object.
static const int MaxInteger
FARSA_UTIL_TEMPLATE const T min(const T &t1, const U &t2)
virtual void save(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
Saves the parameters of the sensor into the ConfigurationParameters object.
virtual bool computeDistanceAndOrientationFromRobot(const WheeledRobot2DWrapper &robot, double &distance, double &angle) const =0
Computes the distance and orientation of this object respect to the given robot.
virtual void setGraphicProperties(QString label, double minValue, double maxValue, QColor color)=0
Set the graphic properties for the current neuron (in case it will be visualized on a GUI) ...
double activation(int i) const
void save(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
Save the parameters into the ConfigurationParameters.
void checkAllNeededResourcesExist()
Checks whether all resources we need are existing and throws an exception if they aren't...
wVector transformVector(const wVector &v) const
virtual void save(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
Saves current parameters into the given ConfigurationParameters object.
virtual void update()
Performs the sensor update. This also modifies the activation of input neurons.
static void describe(QString type)
Generates a description of this class and its parameters.
EpuckGroundIRSensor(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
SimulatedIRProximitySensorController * proximityIRSensorController()
void createParameter(QString groupPath, QString parameter)
QString m_neuronsIteratorResource
The name of th resource associated with the neural network iterator.
Definition: epucksensors.h:116
const QString & filename() const
Returns the name of the file from which samples are loaded.
Definition: sensors.h:869
static void describe(QString type)
Describes all the parameters for this sensor.
virtual void save(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
Saves current parameters into the given ConfigurationParameters object.
static void describe(QString type)
Generates a description of this class and its parameters.