250 LinearCamera(WObject* obj, wMatrix mtr, double aperture, unsigned int numReceptors, double maxDistance, QColor backgroundColor);
507 LinearCamera(WObject* obj, wMatrix mtr, double aperture, unsigned int numReceptors, double maxDistance, QColor backgroundColor);
526 LinearCamera(WObject* obj, wMatrix mtr, QVector<SimpleInterval> receptorsRanges, double maxDistance, QColor backgroundColor);
713 sprintf(m_errorMessage, "Error when loading the file with IR samples \"%s\". Description: %s", m_filename, m_description);
const QString m_additionalInputsResource
The name of the resource associated with the vector of additional inputs.
Definition: sensors.h:145
The base abstract class for iterating over neurons of a neural network.
Definition: neuroninterfaces.h:56
unsigned int numDistances() const
Returns the number of different distances from the object.
Definition: sensors.h:899
virtual const char * what() const
Returns a C string describing the exception.
Definition: sensors.h:767
This file contains the common type defitions used on the whole framework.
const QColor & colorForReceptor(int i) const
Returns the color perceived by the i-th receptor.
Definition: sensors.h:268
unsigned int numIR() const
Returns the number of IR sensors as read from the file.
Definition: sensors.h:879
SampleFileLoadingException & operator=(const SampleFileLoadingException &other)
Copy operator.
Definition: sensors.h:738
The exception thrown when an error occurs during IR sample files loading.
Definition: sensors.h:693
real finalDistance() const
Returns the furthest sampled distance in meters.
Definition: sensors.h:929
It gets the three absolute coordinate (world frame) of an object.
Definition: sensors.h:156
The graphical representation of the linear camera.
Definition: sensors.cpp:757
An helper class for linear camera sensors of various robots.
Definition: sensors.h:232
ResourceVector< real > m_additionalInputs
The vector with additional inputs.
Definition: sensors.h:133
float real
A class to add input neurons that can be used for custom operations.
Definition: sensors.h:63
SampleFileLoadingException(const SampleFileLoadingException &other)
Copy constructor.
Definition: sensors.h:722
const QString m_neuronsIteratorResource
The name of th resource associated with the neural network iterator.
Definition: sensors.h:139
NeuronsIterator * m_neuronsIterator
The object to iterate over neurons of the neural network.
Definition: sensors.h:150
const char * filename() const
Returns the name of the file with sampled data.
Definition: sensors.h:777
QString neuronsIteratorResource
The name of th resource associated with the neural network iterator.
Definition: sensors.h:184
unsigned int numSamplingAngles() const
Returns the number of different sampling angles.
Definition: sensors.h:889
const QColor & colorForReceptor(int i) const
Returns the color perceived by the i-th receptor.
Definition: sensors.h:544
SampleFileLoadingException(const char *filename, const char *description)
Definition: sensors.h:706
An helper class for linear camera sensors of various robots.
Definition: sensors.h:487
bool linearize
if true will use bbMin and bbMax to linearize the position into [0,1]
Definition: sensors.h:188
The graphical representation of the linear camera.
Definition: sensors.cpp:245
const QString & filename() const
Returns the name of the file from which samples are loaded.
Definition: sensors.h:869
double getAperture() const
Returns the aperture of the sensor in radiants.
Definition: sensors.h:278