1 /********************************************************************************
2  * FARSA Experiments Library *
3  * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 *
4  * Stefano Nolfi <stefano.nolfi@istc.cnr.it> *
5  * Onofrio Gigliotta <onofrio.gigliotta@istc.cnr.it> *
6  * Gianluca Massera <emmegian@yahoo.it> *
7  * Tomassino Ferrauto <tomassino.ferrauto@istc.cnr.it> *
8  * *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
11  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
12  * (at your option) any later version. *
13  * *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
17  * GNU General Public License for more details. *
18  * *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
20  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *
22  ********************************************************************************/
24 #include "evorobotviewer.h"
25 #include "renderworldwrapperwidget.h"
26 #include "abstracttest.h"
27 #include "tests.h"
28 #include "total99resources.h"
29 #include <QGridLayout>
30 #include <QPushButton>
31 #include <QCheckBox>
32 #include <QFileDialog>
33 #include <QVBoxLayout>
34 #include <QDir>
35 #include <QFileInfo>
36 #include <QFile>
37 #include <QEvent>
38 #include <QCoreApplication>
39 #include <QTimer>
40 #include <QSlider>
41 #include <cmath>
43 using namespace qglviewer;
45 // All the suff below is to avoid warnings on Windows about the use of unsafe
46 // functions. This should be only a temporary workaround, the solution is stop
47 // using C string and file functions...
48 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
49  #pragma warning(push)
50  #pragma warning(disable:4996)
51 #endif
53 namespace farsa {
55 EvoRobotViewer::EvoRobotViewer( EvoRobotComponent* component )
56  : QObject()
59  , evorobot(component)
60  , ga(evorobot->getGA())
61  , statViewer(NULL)
62  , ftv(NULL)
63  , renderworldwrapper(NULL)
64  , infoEvoga(NULL)
65  , simulationThrottle(NULL)
66  , simulationSpeed(NULL)
67  , timer(NULL)
68 {
71  // Declaring which resources we will need to use
72  usableResources(QStringList() << "world" << "experiment");
74  timer = new QTimer(this);
75  timer->setInterval( 40 );
76  timer->setSingleShot( false );
77  timer->start();
79  // !! DO NOT CONNECT TO THE advanced SIGNAL to update the renderworld becuase that signals may be
80  // emitted so fast that the GUI will freeze !!
81  //connect( world, SIGNAL(advanced()), this, SLOT(onWorldAdvance()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
82  connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onWorldAdvance()) );
84  // Global connections
85  ResourcesLocker locker(this);
86  connect( evorobot, SIGNAL(actionFinished()), this, SLOT(onActionFinished()) );
87 }
90 {
91  // Nothing to do
92  // --- All objects are destroyed in others parts because none of them are owend by this object
93 }
95 void EvoRobotViewer::fillActionsMenu( QMenu* actionsMenu ) {
96  actionsMenu->addAction( "Evolve", evorobot, SLOT(evolve()) );
97  actionsMenu->addAction( "Stop", evorobot, SLOT(stop()) );
98 }
100 QList<ParameterSettableUIViewer> EvoRobotViewer::getViewers( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags ) {
101  QList<ParameterSettableUIViewer> viewsList;
102  viewsList.append( evogaControls( parent, flags ) );
103 // viewsList.append( icubview( parent, flags ) );
104  viewsList.append( fitview( parent, flags ) );
105  viewsList.append( statview( parent, flags ) );
106  viewsList.append( renderWorld( parent, flags ) );
107  //--- check if there are some special view for the testing actions
108  QStringList testsList = AvailableTestList::getList();
109  for (int i = 0; i < testsList.size(); i++) {
110  TestIndividual* testIndividual = dynamic_cast<TestIndividual*>(AvailableTestList::getTest(testsList[i]));
111  if ( testIndividual ) {
112  viewsList.append( testIndividualUI( testIndividual, parent, flags ) );
113  }
114  }
115  return viewsList;
116 }
118 void EvoRobotViewer::addAdditionalMenus( QMenuBar* menuBar ) {
119  QMenu* testMenu = menuBar->addMenu( "Tests" );
120  QStringList testsList = AvailableTestList::getList();
121  for (int i = 0; i < testsList.size(); i++) {
122  AbstractTest* test = AvailableTestList::getTest(testsList[i]);
123  QAction* action = testMenu->addAction( test->menuText(), evorobot, SLOT(runTestFromQAction()) );
124  action->setData( QVariant(testsList[i]) );
125  action->setToolTip( test->tooltip() );
126  action->setIcon( QIcon( test->iconFilename() ) );
127  }
128 }
130 ParameterSettableUIViewer EvoRobotViewer::renderWorld( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags )
131 {
132  // Creating the wrapper class for RenderWorld and sharing resources
133  renderworldwrapper = new RenderWorldWrapperWidget(parent, flags);
134  renderworldwrapper->shareResourcesWith(this);
136  return ParameterSettableUIViewer(renderworldwrapper, "RenderWorld");
137 }
139 ParameterSettableUIViewer EvoRobotViewer::evogaControls( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags ) {
140  QWidget* widget = new QWidget( parent, flags );
141  QGridLayout* lay = new QGridLayout( widget );
142  //lay->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
144  // --- visualizzaione del trial corrente, e step corrente
145  infoEvoga = new QLabel( "Information", widget );
146  infoEvoga->setStyleSheet( "QLabel { font: bold normal large \"Courier\" }" );
147  lay->addWidget( infoEvoga, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
149  QPushButton* bt = new QPushButton( "Do Step", widget );
150  bt->setAutoRepeat(true);
151  bt->setEnabled( false );
152  connect( bt, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), ga, SLOT(doNextStep()) );
154  QCheckBox* cb = new QCheckBox( "Step by Step Mode", widget );
155  connect( cb, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), ga, SLOT(enableStepByStep(bool)) );
156  connect( cb, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), bt, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
158  lay->addWidget( cb, 1, 0 );
159  lay->addWidget( bt, 1, 1 );
161  bt = new QPushButton( "Next Trial", widget );
162  connect( bt, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(evogaNextTrial()) );
163  lay->addWidget( bt, 2, 0, 1, 2 );
165  //----- Skip Trial... Go to Trial number N
167  // slider to setup the delay for slowing down the simulation
168  QLabel* lb = new QLabel( "Simulation Throttle - speed regulator", widget );
169  lay->addWidget( lb, 3, 0, 1, 2 );
170  simulationThrottle = new QSlider( widget );
171  simulationThrottle->setMinimum( 0 );
172  simulationThrottle->setMaximum( 100 );
173  simulationThrottle->setMinimumHeight( 200 );
174  simulationThrottle->setOrientation( Qt::Vertical );
175  int currDelay = ga->getEvoRobotExperiment()->getStepDelay();
176  simulationThrottle->setValue( floor(13.0*std::log((float)currDelay)) );
177  connect( simulationThrottle, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onSimulationThrottleChanges(int)) );
178  lay->addWidget( simulationThrottle, 4, 0, 3, 1 );
179  lb = new QLabel( "slow", widget );
180  lay->addWidget( lb, 4, 1 );
182  QString str = "Running as fast as possible";
183  if ( currDelay > 0 ) {
184  QString extra;
185  if ( fabs( currDelay/1000.0 - ga->getEvoRobotExperiment()->getWorldTimeStep() ) < 0.01 ) {
186  extra = "Running approximately at real time";
187  }
188  str = QString("Speed: %1 frames/second [%2 ms]\n%3")
189  .arg(1000.0/currDelay)
190  .arg(currDelay)
191  .arg(extra);
192  }
193  simulationSpeed = new QLabel( str, widget );
194  lay->addWidget( simulationSpeed, 5, 1 );
195  lb = new QLabel( "fast", widget );
196  lay->addWidget( lb, 6, 1 );
198  return ParameterSettableUIViewer( widget, "Evoga Controls" );
199 }
201 void EvoRobotViewer::evogaNextTrial() {
203 }
205 void EvoRobotViewer::onSimulationThrottleChanges( int newvalue ) {
206  // mapping with an exponential in order to get more sensitivity for small values
207  int delay = ceil(std::exp( newvalue/13.0 )-1.0);
208  ga->getEvoRobotExperiment()->setStepDelay( delay );
209  if ( delay > 0 ) {
210  QString extra;
211  if ( fabs( delay/1000.0 - ga->getEvoRobotExperiment()->getWorldTimeStep() ) < 0.01 ) {
212  extra = "Running approximately at real time";
213  }
214  simulationSpeed->setText( QString("Speed: %1 frames/second [%2 ms]\n%3")
215  .arg(1000.0/delay)
216  .arg(delay)
217  .arg(extra) );
218  } else {
219  simulationSpeed->setText( "Running as fast as possible" );
220  }
221 }
223 ParameterSettableUIViewer EvoRobotViewer::fitview( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags )
224 {
225  // Here we also create the fitness viewer
226  ftv = new FitViewer(3,4000,parent,flags);
227  ftv->setChunkProperties(0, "MaxFit", Qt::red, true);
228  ftv->setChunkProperties(1, "AverageFit", Qt::green, true);
229  ftv->setChunkProperties(2, "MinFit", Qt::blue, true);
230  ftv->setLabels(QString("EvoICub Fitness Monitor"), QString("Generations"), QString("Fitness"));
231  ftv->setGeometry(50, 50, 500, 500);
232  ftv->setWindowTitle( "Fitness Curves" );
233  connect( ga, SIGNAL(startingReplication(int)),
234  this, SLOT(onEvogaStartingReplication(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection );
235  connect( ga, SIGNAL(recoveredInterruptedEvolution(QString)),
236  this, SLOT(onEvogaRecoveredInterruptedEvolution(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection );
237  connect( ga, SIGNAL(endGeneration(int,double,double,double)),
238  this, SLOT(onEvogaEndGeneration(int,double,double,double)), Qt::QueuedConnection );
239  return ParameterSettableUIViewer( ftv, "Fitness monitor" );
240 }
242 // ParameterSettableUIViewer EvoRobotViewer::icubview( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags )
243 // {
244 // m_icubview = new VisionMapSensorGui(parent,flags);
245 // m_icubview->setWindowTitle( "iCub Camera" );
246 // m_icubview->resize( 200, 200 );
247 // m_icubview->hide();
248 // return ParameterSettableUIViewer( m_icubview, "iCub camera" );
249 // }
251 ParameterSettableUIViewer EvoRobotViewer::statview( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags )
252 {
253  statViewer = new QWidget( parent, flags );
254  statViewer->setWindowTitle( "Statistics Viewer" );
255  QGridLayout* lay = new QGridLayout( statViewer );
256  QPushButton* but = new QPushButton( "Load a Stat File", statViewer );
257  connect( but, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadStat()) );
258  lay->addWidget( but, 0, 0 );
259  but = new QPushButton( "Load All Stat", statViewer );
260  connect( but, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadAllStat()) );
261  lay->addWidget( but, 0, 1 );
262  return ParameterSettableUIViewer( statViewer, "Statistic Viewer" );
263 }
265 void EvoRobotViewer::loadStat() {
266  QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(statViewer, tr("Open Stat File"), ".", tr("Files with statistics (*.fit *.ini)"));
267  if (filename.isEmpty()) {
268  return;
269  }
270  FitViewer* fitViewer = statViewer->findChild<FitViewer*>( "statFitViewer" );
271  if ( fitViewer ) {
272  delete fitViewer;
273  }
274  fitViewer = new FitViewer(3, 4000, statViewer);
275  fitViewer->setObjectName( "statFitViewer" );
276  fitViewer->setLabels(QString("Stat monitor. File: ").append(filename), QString("Generation"), QString("Fitnes"));
277  fitViewer->setChunkProperties(0, "MaxFit", Qt::red,true);
278  fitViewer->setChunkProperties(1, "Average", Qt::green,true);
279  fitViewer->setChunkProperties(2, "Minimum", Qt::blue,true);
280  fitViewer->loadRawData(0, filename, 0);
281  fitViewer->loadRawData(1, filename, 1);
282  fitViewer->loadRawData(2, filename, 2);
283  QGridLayout* lay = qobject_cast<QGridLayout*>( statViewer->layout() );
284  lay->addWidget( fitViewer, 1, 0, 1, 2 );
285  lay->setRowStretch( 1, 2 );
286  fitViewer->show();
287 }
289 void EvoRobotViewer::loadAllStat()
290 {
291  FitViewer* fitViewer = statViewer->findChild<FitViewer*>( "statFitViewer" );
292  if ( fitViewer ) {
293  delete fitViewer;
294  }
296  QDir currentDir;
297  QFileInfoList statFiles = currentDir.entryInfoList( QStringList() << "statS*.fit", QDir::Files, QDir::Name );
299  fitViewer = new FitViewer(statFiles.size(), ga->getNumOfGenerations(), statViewer);
300  fitViewer->setObjectName( "statFitViewer" );
301  QString title = QString("Stat monitor");
302  fitViewer->setLabels(title, QString("Generation"), QString("Fitness"));
304  QColor colors[10] = { QColor(Qt::red), QColor(Qt::green), QColor(Qt::blue), QColor(Qt::cyan),
305  QColor(Qt::magenta), QColor(Qt::darkYellow), QColor(Qt::gray), QColor(255, 140, 0, 255),
306  QColor(153, 50, 204, 255), QColor(Qt::black) };
307  for(int i=0; i<statFiles.size(); i++ ) {
308  QFileInfo statFile = statFiles[i];
309  QColor col = colors[i%10];
310  fitViewer->setChunkProperties( i, QString("Seed:").append(statFile.baseName().split("S").last()), col, true );
311  fitViewer->loadRawData( i, statFile.fileName(), 0 );
312  }
313  fitViewer->sortchunks();
314  QGridLayout* lay = qobject_cast<QGridLayout*>( statViewer->layout() );
315  lay->addWidget( fitViewer, 1, 0, 1, 2 );
316  lay->setRowStretch( 1, 2 );
317  fitViewer->show();
318 }
320 ParameterSettableUIViewer EvoRobotViewer::testIndividualUI( TestIndividual* test, QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags ) {
321  TestIndividualGUI* testIndUI = new TestIndividualGUI( test, parent, flags );
322  testIndUI->setWindowTitle( "Select the Individual to Test" );
323  return ParameterSettableUIViewer( testIndUI, "Individual to Test", QString(), "From this view you can select an individual to test using the \"TestIndividual\" from the \"Tests\" menu" );
324 }
326 void EvoRobotViewer::onWorldAdvance() {
327  if (renderworldwrapper) {
328  renderworldwrapper->updateRenderWorld();
329  }
331  if (infoEvoga) {
332  ResourcesLocker locker(this);
334  EvoRobotExperiment* exp = getResource<EvoRobotExperiment>("experiment");
336  // visualizza su EvoGa Controls informazioni su step e trial
337  infoEvoga->setText( QString( "Step %1 of %2 --- Trial %3 of %4" )
338  .arg( exp->getCurStep(), 5 ).arg( exp->getNSteps() )
339  .arg( exp->getCurTrial() + 1, 5 ).arg( exp->getNTrials() ) );
340  }
342 // if ( exp->getActivityPhase() == EvoRobotExperiment::INTEST ) {
343 // // if (m_icubview != NULL) {
344 // // m_icubview->setImage( exp->getResource<PhyiCub>( "robot" ) ); // update the iCub camera widget
345 // // }
346 // }
347 }
349 void EvoRobotViewer::onEvogaStartingReplication( int /*replication*/ ) {
350  ftv->reset();
351 }
353 void EvoRobotViewer::onEvogaRecoveredInterruptedEvolution( QString statfile ) {
354  ftv->loadRawData(0,statfile,0);
355  ftv->loadRawData(1,statfile,1);
356  ftv->loadRawData(2,statfile,2);
357 }
359 void EvoRobotViewer::onEvogaEndGeneration( int generation, double fmax, double faverage, double fmin ) {
360  ftv->setChunkValue(0,generation,fmax);
361  ftv->setChunkValue(1,generation,faverage);
362  ftv->setChunkValue(2,generation,fmin);
363  ftv->diplayUntilStep(generation);
364  ftv->update();
365 }
367 void EvoRobotViewer::onActionFinished() {
368  infoEvoga->setText( evorobot->status() );
369 }
371 // #include <QPainter>
372 // #include <QPen>
373 // #include <QBrush>
374 // #include <QTransform>
375 // #include <QVBoxLayout>
376 //
377 // namespace VisionMapSensorGuiInternal {
378 // /**
379 // * \brief An helper class to display an image
380 // *
381 // * This takes a pointer to the image to show and also resizes itself to
382 // * match the image dimension
383 // */
384 // class ImageDisplayer : public QWidget
385 // {
386 // public:
387 // ImageDisplayer(QWidget* parent = NULL) :
388 // QWidget(parent),
389 // m_image(NULL)
390 // {
391 // }
392 //
393 // ~ImageDisplayer()
394 // {
395 // }
396 //
397 // void setImage(QImage* image)
398 // {
399 // // Saving image
400 // m_image = image;
401 //
402 // // Also resetting widget dimensions
403 // setMinimumSize(m_image->width(), m_image->height());
404 // setMaximumSize(m_image->width(), m_image->height());
405 //
406 // // Updating the widget
407 // update();
408 // }
409 //
410 // private:
411 // void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
412 // {
413 // if (m_image == NULL) {
414 // return;
415 // }
416 //
417 // QPainter painter(this);
418 //
419 // // Drawing image. Also flipping image (perhaps yarp doesn't consider top left to be 0, 0)
420 // painter.drawImage(0, 0, m_image->mirrored(false, true));
421 // }
422 //
423 // QImage* m_image;
424 // };
425 // }
426 //
427 // VisionMapSensorGui::VisionMapSensorGui(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) :
428 // QWidget(parent,flags),
429 // m_image(),
430 // m_imageDisplayer(new VisionMapSensorGuiInternal::ImageDisplayer(this))
431 // {
432 // // Creating a layout and adding the image displayer widget and the table with map activations
433 // QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
434 // layout->addWidget(m_imageDisplayer);
435 //
436 //
437 // }
438 //
439 // VisionMapSensorGui::~VisionMapSensorGui()
440 // {
441 // // Nothing to do here
442 // }
443 //
444 // void VisionMapSensorGui::setImage(PhyiCub *icub, bool useRightCamera)
445 // {
446 //
447 // // Taking the image in yarp format
448 // yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgb> yarpImage;
449 // // yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImage* frameGrabber = useRightCamera ? icub->rightEyeFrameGrabber() : icub->leftEyeFrameGrabber();
450 // yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImage* frameGrabber = NULL; // The line above crashes with multithread
451 // if (frameGrabber == NULL) {
452 // return;
453 // }
454 // // frameGrabber->getImage(yarpImage); // Crashes with multithread
455 //
456 // // Converting to QImage
457 // m_image = QImage(yarpImage.width(), yarpImage.height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
458 // for (int i = 0; i < yarpImage.width(); i++) {
459 // for (int j = 0; j < yarpImage.height(); j++) {
460 // // Converting pixel and writing it into the QImage
461 // yarp::sig::PixelRgb& yarpPixel = yarpImage.pixel(i, j);
462 // m_image.setPixel(i, j, qRgb(yarpPixel.r, yarpPixel.g, yarpPixel.b));
463 // }
464 // }
465 //
466 //
467 // // Drawing an X at the image center
468 // QPainter painter(&m_image);
469 // const int cX = m_image.width() / 2;
470 // const int cY = m_image.height() / 2;
471 //
472 // // Drawing the X
473 // painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 3));
474 // painter.drawLine(cX - 5, cY - 5, cX + 5, cY + 5);
475 // painter.drawLine(cX + 5, cY - 5, cX - 5, cY + 5);
476 // painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1));
477 // painter.drawLine(cX - 5, cY - 5, cX + 5, cY + 5);
478 // painter.drawLine(cX + 5, cY - 5, cX - 5, cY + 5);
479 //
480 // // Setting the image for the image displayer
481 // m_imageDisplayer->setImage(&m_image);
482 // m_imageDisplayer->update();
483 // }
484 //
485 // void VisionMapSensorGui::addMark(double x, double y, QColor markCenter, QColor markSurrounding)
486 // {
487 // // Drawing a mark directly on the image
488 // QPainter painter(&m_image);
489 //
490 // // Computing the mark position in image coordinates
491 // const int imageX = int(x * double(m_image.width()));
492 // const int imageY = int(y * double(m_image.height()));
493 //
494 // // Drawing the mark
495 // painter.setPen(QPen(markSurrounding, 5));
496 // painter.drawPoint(imageX, imageY);
497 // painter.setPen(QPen(markCenter, 3));
498 // painter.drawPoint(imageX, imageY);
499 //
500 // // Updating the image displayer widget
501 // m_imageDisplayer->update();
502 // }
504 TestIndividualGUI::TestIndividualGUI(TestIndividual* tb, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) :
505  QWidget(parent, flags)
506 {
507  test = tb;
509  //set layout
510  QGridLayout* mainLay = new QGridLayout( this );
512  // buttons
513  QPushButton* bt = new QPushButton( "Refresh", this );
514  connect( bt, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(populateCombo()) );
515  mainLay->addWidget(bt, 0, 0, 1, 2);
516  //creating comboBox and list
517  combo = new QComboBox( this );
518  list = new QListWidget( this );
519  mainLay->addWidget(new QLabel("Select File to load:"), 1, 0);
520  mainLay->addWidget(combo, 1, 1);
521  mainLay->addWidget(list, 2, 0, 1, 2);
523  //checking available best and gen files
524  populateCombo();
526  // Connecting signals and slots
527  connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(seedWasChosen()));
528  connect(list, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(agentClicked()));
529  connect(list, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(agentClicked()));
530 }
532 void TestIndividualGUI::populateCombo()
533 {
534  combo->clear();
535  list->clear();
536  //ask abstractGA the template name for the files (i.e. "*P*S*G*.gen")
537  QString bestF = test->component()->getGA()->bestsFilename();
538  QString genF = test->component()->getGA()->generationFilename();
540  //search current folder for files
541  QDir* dir = new QDir();
542  QStringList expression = (QStringList() << bestF << genF);
543  fileList = dir->entryList(expression);
545  //insert their name into the combo boxes
546  combo->addItems(fileList);
547 }
549 void TestIndividualGUI::seedWasChosen()
550 {
551  //load the chosen file
552  test->setPopulationToTest( combo->currentText(), false );
553  //refresh individuals list on the GUI
554  list->clear();
555  int loadindi = test->component()->getGA()->numLoadedGenotypes();
556  for(int i=1; i<=loadindi; i++)
557  {
558  list->addItem(QString::number(i));
559  }
560 }
562 void TestIndividualGUI::agentClicked()
563 {
564  //take index of the chosen individual
565  test->setIndividualToTest( list->currentRow() );
566 }
568 } //end namespace farsa
570 // All the suff below is to restore the warning state on Windows
571 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
572  #pragma warning(pop)
573 #endif
void usableResources(QStringList resources)
friend friend class ResourcesLocker
void addAdditionalMenus(QMenuBar *menuBar)
add the "Tests" menu to the menu bar of Total99
void fillActionsMenu(QMenu *actionsMenu)
fill the menu "Actions" of Total99 with following actions:
void stopTrial()
Stops the current trial.
The wrapper widget for RenderWorld.
QString status()
return a text description of the current status of the component
Definition: component.h:53
virtual void shareResourcesWith(ResourcesUser *buddy)
int getStepDelay()
returns the current delay applied at each step
virtual void shareResourcesWith(ResourcesUser *buddy)
Shares resources with the provided instance of ResourcesUser.
TestIndividualGUI(TestIndividual *tb, QWidget *parent=NULL, Qt::WindowFlags flags=0)
An helper class to display an image.
QString menuText()
the text to show on the menu/toolbar
Definition: abstracttest.h:146
float getWorldTimeStep() const
helper method for getting timestep of the world at runtime
QString tooltip()
the tooltip text to show on the menu/toolbar
Definition: abstracttest.h:154
This class setup an evolutionary experiment.
virtual unsigned int getNumOfGenerations()
Returns the number of generations to do.
Definition: evoga.cpp:3106
static AbstractTest * getTest(QString name)
Returns the test with the given name.
An abstract class for tests of evolved individuals.
Definition: abstracttest.h:50
QList< ParameterSettableUIViewer > getViewers(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags)
Return the list of all viewers for the Component with corresponding informations for fill the menu "V...
void setStepDelay(int delay)
set the delay to apply at each step for slowing down the simulation
void updateRenderWorld()
Triggers an update of the RenderWorld object.
virtual EvoRobotExperiment * getEvoRobotExperiment()
Returns a pointer to the EvoRobotExperiment object.
Definition: evoga.cpp:3074
QString iconFilename()
the filename of the icon to show on the menu/toolbar
Definition: abstracttest.h:162
static QStringList getList()
Returns the list of the names of available tests.
Test a specific individual taken from evolutionary data.
Definition: tests.h:78