104 connect(gaThread, SIGNAL(exceptionDuringOperation(farsa::BaseException*)), this, SLOT(exceptionDuringOperation(farsa::BaseException*)), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
143 //--- currentTestName is initially setted to contain the name of the first test specified by the user
207 currentTestName = ConfigurationHelper::getString( params, prefix+"testToRun", currentTestName );
228 Descriptor d = addTypeDescription( type, "This component allow to do evolutionary robotics experiments" );
229 d.describeSubgroup( "GA" ).type( "Evoga" ).props( IsMandatory ).help( "The Genetic Algorithm to use to perform the evolutionary process" );
230 d.describeSubgroup( "TEST" ).type( "AbstractTest" ).props( AllowMultiple ).help( "let to configure a test condition for the evolved individual" );
251 Logger::error( "EvoRobotComponent - Cannot run evolve because another action is currently running; please wait until it finish, or stop it before run evolve action" );
263 Logger::error( QString("EvoRobotComponent - Test ") + currentTestName + " is not present into the list of available Tests" );
273 Logger::error( QString("EvoRobotComponent - Cannot run test %1 because another action is currently running; please wait until it finish, or stop it before run test %1").arg(currentTestName) );
295 Logger::error( QString("EvoRobotComponent - Error while executing the current operation, an exception was thrown. Reason: ") + e->what() );
void evolve()
Start the evolutionary process (it automatically disable "step-by-step" modality) ...
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:241
virtual void configure(farsa::ConfigurationParameters ¶ms, QString prefix)
Configure function.
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:117
static QString getString(ConfigurationParameters ¶ms, QString paramPath, QString def=QString())
virtual void save(ConfigurationParameters ¶ms, QString prefix)
Save the actual status of parameters into the ConfigurationParameters object passed.
Definition: evoga.cpp:2880
bool isStopped()
return true if the evolution process has been stopped with stop()
Definition: evoga.cpp:3050
void stopCurrentOperation(bool wait)
void quit()
void onThreadOperationDone(QString message)
executed when the current thread operation finish
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:298
ParameterSettableUI * getUIManager()
Return an instance of EvoRobotViewer that manage the viewers.
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:113
void runTest()
Run the test associated to the parameter testToRun.
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:260
void exceptionDuringOperation(farsa::BaseException *e)
Warns the user about the exception thrown by evolution or tests (only if not in batch running) ...
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:293
static bool getBool(ConfigurationParameters ¶ms, QString paramPath, bool def=false)
void actionFinished()
emitted when the action (evolve, test, ...) has been finished/stopped
static void error(QString msg)
virtual void save(farsa::ConfigurationParameters ¶ms, QString prefix)
Save function.
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:215
This class setup an evolutionary experiment.
Definition: evorobotcomponent.h:39
virtual void postConfigureInitialization()
declare resources and initialize sensors
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:219
void setStatus(QString newStatus)
used by subclasses to change the status of the experiment
Definition: component.h:61
static Descriptor addTypeDescription(QString type, QString shortHelp, QString longHelp=QString(""))
static void addTest(QString name, AbstractTest *test)
Adds a test to the list of available ones.
Definition: abstracttest.cpp:28
static AbstractTest * getTest(QString name)
Returns the test with the given name.
Definition: abstracttest.cpp:38
An abstract class for tests of evolved individuals.
Definition: abstracttest.h:50
TypeToCreate * getObjectFromGroup(QString group, bool configure=true, bool forceObjectCreation=false)
The Component is the base (abstract) class for any specific project implementation.
Definition: component.h:45
QStringList getGroupsWithPrefixList(QString group, QString prefix) const
static void describe(QString type)
Description of all parameters.
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:227
virtual EvoRobotExperiment * getEvoRobotExperiment()
Returns a pointer to the EvoRobotExperiment object.
Definition: evoga.cpp:3074
virtual void setComponent(EvoRobotComponent *component)
Sets the Component.
Definition: abstracttest.h:125
Definition: evorobotviewer.h:55
virtual void stopCurrentOperation()
This stops the current running operation.
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:222
virtual void evolveAllReplicas()
Evolves all replications of the ga process.
Definition: evoga.cpp:3016
void addOperation(ThreadOperation *operation, bool deleteAtEnd=true)
void setActivityPhase(Phases newPhase)
set the new activity phase
Definition: evorobotexperiment.h:353
Test a specific individual taken from evolutionary data.
Definition: tests.h:78
void runTestFromQAction()
Run a Test associated to the QAction whom triggered this slot.
Definition: evorobotcomponent.cpp:282