34 #include <QGridLayout>
38 #include <QDoubleSpinBox>
87 void pseudo_activate_net();
109 void error(
const char *emessage);
111 void warning(
const char *emessage);
122 void selectedblockChanged();
136 QBoxLayout *m_mainLayout;
146 void createToolBars();
148 void createActions();
150 void block_name(
int i,
char *st);
152 QAction *set_neurondisplayAct;
154 QAction *set_neurongainAct;
156 QAction *set_neuronbiasAct;
158 QAction *set_lesionAct;
160 QAction *display_labelAct;
162 QAction *display_weightAct;
164 QAction *display_deltaAct;
166 QAction *display_biasAct;
168 QAction *display_gainAct;
172 QAction *add_ublockAct;
174 QAction *add_cblockAct;
176 QAction *add_gblockAct;
178 QShortcut *increasevAct;
180 QShortcut *decreasevAct;
186 QComboBox *neurontypeAct;
188 QComboBox *cblockAct;
190 QComboBox *blocktypeAct;
196 void updateblocktype();
198 void changeblocktype(
int t);
200 void set_neurondisplay();
202 void set_neuronbias();
204 void set_neurontype(
int i);
206 void selblock_changed(
int i);
208 void set_neurongain();
212 void display_label();
214 void display_weight();
216 void display_delta();
250 enum Shape { Line, Points, Polyline, Polygon, Rect, RoundRect, Ellipse, Arc,
251 Chord, Pie, Path, Text, Pixmap };
255 QSize minimumSizeHint()
256 QSize sizeHint()
262 double mdist(
float x,
float y,
float x1,
float y1);
264 double segmentdist(
float px,
float py,
float ax,
float ay,
float bx,
float by);
268 void selectedneuronsChanged();
271 void setShape(Shape shape);
272 void setPen(
const QPen &pen);
273 void setBrush(
const QBrush &brush);
274 void setAntialiased(
bool antialiased);
275 void setTransformed(
bool transformed);
279 void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
280 void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
281 void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
282 void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
283 void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
EvoSlider :
public QDoubleSpinBox
303 EvoSlider(
float *ref,
float rangemin=0,
float rangemax=1, QWidget *parent=0);
305 void networkChanged();
311 void updateValue(
double ival);
static const int MAXN
Maximum number of neurons for a neural network of this type.
Evonet is the neural network taken from the EvoRobot.