This file contains the common type defitions used on the whole framework.
QString getName()
return the name of this runtime modifiable parameter
Definition: runtimeparametersetters.h:124
The class implementing the setter when the parameter can changed by directly access to the value usin...
Definition: runtimeparametersetters.h:157
H set(ParameterSettable *object, H newvalue)
set the parameter calling the setter method
Definition: runtimeparametersetters.h:165
Definition: configurationhelper.cpp:24
the interface for any observer who needs to be notified when a runtime parameter changes ...
Definition: runtimeparametersetters.h:33
The base for classes that can be configured/saved using a ConfigurationParameters object...
Definition: parametersettable.h:51
QString descrPath
the full path to the description of this parameter
Definition: runtimeparametersetters.h:131
This is the base class for the hierarchy for wrapping the methods for setting a runtime modifiable pa...
Definition: runtimeparametersetters.h:48
MethodSetter(QString paramPath, void(T::*setter)(H), H(T::*getter)() const )
the constructor
Definition: runtimeparametersetters.h:160