Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nfarsa | |
▼N__Factory_internal | |
CcheckClass | |
CCannotConvertToTypeException | The exception thrown when casting an ParameterSettable object to the requested type fails |
CCannotFindTypeParameterException | The exception thrown when requested to create an object from a group and the "type" parameter is not in the group |
CClassNameIsAbstractException | The exception thrown when requested class name is registered but cannot be created because it is abstract |
CClassNameNotRegisteredException | The exception thrown when requested class name is not registered with the factory |
CConcurrentResourcesUser | A class to access/declare resources in a thread-safe way |
CConfigurationHelper | The class containing some helper function for configuration parameters |
▼CConfigurationNode | A node in the configuration tree |
CObjectAndStatus | The structure with the object for a node and its status |
CConfigurationParameters | The class containing configuration parameters |
CConfigurationWidget | The base class for widgets for editing configuration parameters |
CConfigurationWidgetCreator | The base class for configuration widgets creators. The implementation is in the template class below |
CConfigurationWidgetCreatorT | The class implementing the create function of the class above |
CCopyDuringObjectCreationException | The exception thrown when trying to copy a ConfigurationParameter |
CCyclicDependencyException | The exception thrown when a cyclic dependency is discovered during object creation using the ConfigurationParameters facilities |
▼CFactory | The class that registers ParameterSettable types |
CRegisterClassHelper< false, H > | |
CRegisterClassHelper< true, H > | |
CFactoryObserver | FactoryObserver class to keep trace on operations done by Factory |
CMethodSetter | The class implementing the setter when the parameter can changed by directly access to the value using the pointer to the parameter |
CNoRuntimeModifiableParameter | The exception thrown when requested a runtime modification of a parameter not marked as runtime modifiable |
COtherObjectBeingCreatedException | The exception thrown when the user requests a new object for a group but there is another object for that group that is in the creation phase or has been created but not yet configured |
▼CParameterSettable | The base for classes that can be configured/saved using a ConfigurationParameters object |
CBoolDescriptor | Utility Class for customize the description of Boolean parameter |
CDescriptor | Utility Class for describe the parameters of a ParameterSettable |
CEnumDescriptor | Utility Class for customize the description of Enum-like parameter |
CIntDescriptor | Utility Class for customize the description of Integer parameter |
CObjectDescriptor | Utility Class for customize the description of an object parameter |
CRealDescriptor | Utility Class for customize the description of Real valued parameter |
CStringDescriptor | Utility Class for customize the description of String parameter |
CSubgroupDescriptor | Utility Class for customize the description of a subgroup |
CParameterSettableCreator | The base class for object creators. The implementation is in the template class below |
CParameterSettableCreatorT | The class implementing the create function of the class above |
CParameterSettableCreatorT< T, false > | The class implementing the create function of the class above |
CParameterSettableInConstructor | The base for classes that can be configured using a ConfigurationParameters object passed to the constructor |
CParameterSettableUI | The ParameterSettableUI is the base (abstract) class that manage/create the graphic user interface for a ParameterSettable |
CParameterSettableUIViewer | Helper class for storing information about a viewer for a ParameterSettable |
CParameterSettableWithConfigureFunction | The base for classes that can be configured using a ConfigurationParameters object |
CParametersFileLoaderSaver | The base for all classes able to load/save configuration parameters from/to file |
CPrefixNotGroupException | The exception thrown when trying to create an object from a using a prefi that is not a group |
CRealFactory | Factory class to create ParameterSettable objects |
CResource | Resource is a class representing a generic resource addable into ResourceCollection |
CResourceCollection | The class keeping the resources |
CResourceCollectionHolder | This keeps an instance of ResourceCollection eventually sharing it |
CResourceHandler | The class for representing a resource |
CResourceMutexHolder | A class that allows sharing the same mutex among different objects |
CResourceNotDeclaredException | The exception thrown when requesting a resource never declared |
CResourceNotUsableException | The exception thrown when requesting a resource that hasn't been declared as usable |
CResourcesLocker | The class to use to acquire the lock on resources |
CResourcesUser | The parent of classes managing resources |
CResourceTypeMismatchException | The exception thrown when a resource has different type from requested type |
CRuntimeParameterObserver | Interface for any observer who needs to be notified when a runtime parameter changes |
CRuntimeParameterSetter | This is the base class for the hierarchy for wrapping the methods for setting a runtime modifiable parameter |
CSimpleResourcesUser | A simple class to access/declare resources (not thread-safe) |
CTypeMismatchOnSettingRuntimeModifiableParameter | The exception thrown when the type mismatch on the requested runtime modification of a parameter |
CUserDefinedCheckFailureException | The exception to throw when a user check on a parameter fails |
CUserRequiredResourceMissingException | The exception to throw when a user needs a resouce during configuration which doesn't exist |
CWrongResourceLockStatusForOperation | The exception thrown when an operation is performed on a ConcurrentResourcesUser object but the lock is not in the correct status |