1 /********************************************************************************
2  * FARSA - Total99 *
3  * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Tomassino Ferrauto <> *
4  * *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
8  * (at your option) any later version. *
9  * *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
13  * GNU General Public License for more details. *
14  * *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *
18  ********************************************************************************/
23 #include "configurationconfig.h"
24 #include <QString>
25 #include <QStringList>
27 namespace farsa {
29 class ParameterSettable;
33 class FARSA_CONF_API RuntimeParameterObserver {
34 public:
35  virtual ~RuntimeParameterObserver() { /*nothing to do*/ };
38  virtual void onParameterChanges( ParameterSettable* object, QString paramName ) = 0;
42  virtual void onObjectDestruction( ParameterSettable* object ) = 0;
43 };
48 class FARSA_CONF_API RuntimeParameterSetter {
49 public:
51  RuntimeParameterSetter( QString descrPath ) {
52  this->descrPath = descrPath;
53  this->name = descrPath.split( '/', QString::SkipEmptyParts ).last();
54  };
56  virtual ~RuntimeParameterSetter() { /* nothing to do */ };
62  virtual QString set( ParameterSettable* object, QString newvalue );
68  virtual int set( ParameterSettable* object, int newvalue );
74  virtual unsigned int set( ParameterSettable* object, unsigned int newvalue );
80  virtual double set( ParameterSettable* object, double newvalue );
86  virtual float set( ParameterSettable* object, float newvalue );
92  virtual bool set( ParameterSettable* object, bool newvalue );
97  virtual void get( ParameterSettable* object, QString& ret );
102  virtual void get( ParameterSettable* object, int& ret );
107  virtual void get( ParameterSettable* object, unsigned int& ret );
112  virtual void get( ParameterSettable* object, double& ret );
117  virtual void get( ParameterSettable* object, float& ret );
122  virtual void get( ParameterSettable* object, bool& ret );
124  QString getName() { return name; };
126  QString getDescriptionPath() { return descrPath; };
127 protected:
129  QString name;
131  QString descrPath;
132 };
137 // template<typename H>
138 // class FARSA_CONF_TEMPLATE PointerSetter : public RuntimeParameterSetter {
139 // public:
140 // /*! the constructor */
141 // PointerSetter( H* pointer, QString name )
142 // : RuntimeParameterSetter( name, H() ),
143 // pparam(pointer) { /* nothing else to do */ };
144 // /*! set the parameter changing directly the value of the int parameter */
145 // H set( H newvalue ) {
146 // (*pparam) = newvalue;
147 // return *pparam;
148 // };
149 // private:
150 // /*! the pointer to the parameter */
151 // H* pparam;
152 // };
156 template<class T, typename H>
157 class FARSA_CONF_TEMPLATE MethodSetter : public RuntimeParameterSetter {
158 public:
160  MethodSetter( QString paramPath, void (T::*setter)(H), H (T::*getter)()const )
161  : RuntimeParameterSetter( paramPath ),
162  setter(setter),
163  getter(getter) { /*nothing else to do*/ };
165  H set( ParameterSettable* object, H newvalue ) {
166  T* robject = static_cast<T*>( object );
167  (robject->*setter)( newvalue );
168  return (robject->*getter)();
169  };
171  void get( ParameterSettable* object, H& retvar ) {
172  T* robject = static_cast<T*>( object );
173  retvar = (robject->*getter)();
174  };
175 private:
177  void (T::*setter)(H);
179  H (T::*getter)()const;
180 };
182 } // end namespace farsa
184 #endif
This file contains the common type defitions used on the whole framework.
QString getName()
return the name of this runtime modifiable parameter
The class implementing the setter when the parameter can changed by directly access to the value usin...
H set(ParameterSettable *object, H newvalue)
set the parameter calling the setter method
the interface for any observer who needs to be notified when a runtime parameter changes ...
The base for classes that can be configured/saved using a ConfigurationParameters object...
virtual ~RuntimeParameterSetter()
QString descrPath
the full path to the description of this parameter
This is the base class for the hierarchy for wrapping the methods for setting a runtime modifiable pa...
RuntimeParameterSetter(QString descrPath)
MethodSetter(QString paramPath, void(T::*setter)(H), H(T::*getter)() const )
the constructor