Frame Member List

This is the complete list of members for Frame, including all inherited members.

alignWithFrame(const Frame *const frame, bool move=false, float threshold=0.0f)Frame
constraint() const Frameinline
coordinatesOf(const Vec &src) const Frame
coordinatesOfFrom(const Vec &src, const Frame *const from) const Frame
coordinatesOfIn(const Vec &src, const Frame *const in) const Frame
domElement(const QString &name, QDomDocument &document) const Framevirtual
Frame(const Frame &frame)Frame
Frame(const Vec &position, const Quaternion &orientation)Frame
getCoordinatesOf(const float src[3], float res[3]) const Frame
getCoordinatesOfFrom(const float src[3], float res[3], const Frame *const from) const Frame
getCoordinatesOfIn(const float src[3], float res[3], const Frame *const in) const Frame
getInverseCoordinatesOf(const float src[3], float res[3]) const Frame
getInverseTransformOf(const float src[3], float res[3]) const Frame
getLocalCoordinatesOf(const float src[3], float res[3]) const Frame
getLocalInverseCoordinatesOf(const float src[3], float res[3]) const Frame
getLocalInverseTransformOf(const float src[3], float res[3]) const Frame
getLocalTransformOf(const float src[3], float res[3]) const Frame
getMatrix(GLdouble m[4][4]) const Frame
getMatrix(GLdouble m[16]) const Frame
getOrientation(double &q0, double &q1, double &q2, double &q3) const Frame
getPosition(float &x, float &y, float &z) const Frame
getRotation(double &q0, double &q1, double &q2, double &q3) const Frame
getTransformOf(const float src[3], float res[3]) const Frame
getTransformOfFrom(const float src[3], float res[3], const Frame *const from) const Frame
getTransformOfIn(const float src[3], float res[3], const Frame *const in) const Frame
getTranslation(float &x, float &y, float &z) const Frame
getWorldMatrix(GLdouble m[4][4]) const Frame
getWorldMatrix(GLdouble m[16]) const Frame
initFromDOMElement(const QDomElement &element)Framevirtualslot
inverse() const Frame
inverseCoordinatesOf(const Vec &src) const Frame
inverseTransformOf(const Vec &src) const Frame
localCoordinatesOf(const Vec &src) const Frame
localInverseCoordinatesOf(const Vec &src) const Frame
localInverseTransformOf(const Vec &src) const Frame
localTransformOf(const Vec &src) const Frame
matrix() const Frame
operator=(const Frame &frame)Frame
orientation() const Frame
position() const Frame
projectOnLine(const Vec &origin, const Vec &direction)Frame
referenceFrame() const Frameinline
rotate(Quaternion &q)Frame
rotate(const Quaternion &q)Frame
rotate(double q0, double q1, double q2, double q3)Frame
rotate(double &q0, double &q1, double &q2, double &q3)Frame
rotateAroundPoint(Quaternion &rotation, const Vec &point)Frame
rotateAroundPoint(const Quaternion &rotation, const Vec &point)Frame
rotation() const Frameinline
setConstraint(Constraint *const constraint)Frameinline
setFromMatrix(const GLdouble m[4][4])Frame
setFromMatrix(const GLdouble m[16])Frame
setOrientation(const Quaternion &orientation)Frame
setOrientation(double q0, double q1, double q2, double q3)Frame
setOrientationWithConstraint(Quaternion &orientation)Frame
setPosition(const Vec &position)Frame
setPosition(float x, float y, float z)Frame
setPositionAndOrientation(const Vec &position, const Quaternion &orientation)Frame
setPositionAndOrientationWithConstraint(Vec &position, Quaternion &orientation)Frame
setPositionWithConstraint(Vec &position)Frame
setReferenceFrame(const Frame *const refFrame)Frame
setRotation(const Quaternion &rotation)Frameinline
setRotation(double q0, double q1, double q2, double q3)Frame
setRotationWithConstraint(Quaternion &rotation)Frame
settingAsReferenceFrameWillCreateALoop(const Frame *const frame)Frame
setTranslation(const Vec &translation)Frameinline
setTranslation(float x, float y, float z)Frame
setTranslationAndRotation(const Vec &translation, const Quaternion &rotation)Frame
setTranslationAndRotationWithConstraint(Vec &translation, Quaternion &rotation)Frame
setTranslationWithConstraint(Vec &translation)Frame
transformOf(const Vec &src) const Frame
transformOfFrom(const Vec &src, const Frame *const from) const Frame
transformOfIn(const Vec &src, const Frame *const in) const Frame
translate(Vec &t)Frame
translate(const Vec &t)Frame
translate(float x, float y, float z)Frame
translate(float &x, float &y, float &z)Frame
translation() const Frameinline
worldInverse() const Frameinline
worldMatrix() const Frame