Go to the documentation of this file.
This file contains the common type defitions used on the whole framework.
FARSA_UTIL_TEMPLATE const T max(const T &t1, const U &t2)
void addInputCluster(Cluster *c)
Add a Cluster and mark it as Input Behave exactly the same of addCluster( c, true, false )
Definition: neuralnet.h:250
This file contains the declaration of the linkers implemented.
PointerTo byName(QString aName, PointerTo &aPointer)
Search into the net for the presence of an Updatable with name aName; on success set the pointer aPoi...
Definition: neuralnet.h:329
An observer interface called during NeuralNet operations.
Definition: neuralnet.h:39
LinkVecMap outLinks
map of outgoing linkers (cluster -> vettore linkers uscenti)
Definition: neuralnet.h:391
void addOutputCluster(Cluster *c)
Add a Cluster and mark it as Output Behave exactly the same of addCluster( c, false, true )
Definition: neuralnet.h:255
This file contains the declarations of the Cluster class.
FARSA_UTIL_TEMPLATE const T min(const T &t1, const U &t2)
void setName(QString name)
Set the name of the NeuralNet It's useful when loading from ConfigurationParameters more than NeuralN...
Definition: neuralnet.h:231
LinkVecMap inLinks
mappa dei linkers entranti (cluster -> vettore linkers entranti)
Definition: neuralnet.h:389