1 /********************************************************************************
2  * Neural Network Framework. *
3  * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Gianluca Massera <> *
4  * *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
8  * (at your option) any later version. *
9  * *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
13  * GNU General Public License for more details. *
14  * *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *
18  ********************************************************************************/
20 #include "cluster.h"
21 #include "liboutputfunctions.h"
22 #include "configurationhelper.h"
23 #include <exception>
25 using namespace Eigen;
27 namespace farsa {
29 Cluster::Cluster( unsigned int numNeurons, QString name ) :
30  Updatable(name),
31  inputdata(VectorXd::Zero(numNeurons)),
32  outputdata(VectorXd::Zero(numNeurons)),
33  stateDelegates() {
34  //--- create the delegates for inputs and outputs vector
35  setDelegateFor<Cluster, &Cluster::inputs>( "inputs" );
36  setDelegateFor<Cluster, &Cluster::outputs>( "outputs" );
37  this->numneurons = numNeurons;
38  accOff = true;
39  setNeedReset( false );
40  // SigmoidFunction as Default
41  setOutFunction(new SigmoidFunction( 1.0 ));
42 }
44 Cluster::Cluster( ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix ) :
45  Updatable(params, prefix),
46  numneurons(ConfigurationHelper::getInt( params, prefix + "numNeurons", 1 )),
47  inputdata(VectorXd::Zero(numneurons)),
48  outputdata(VectorXd::Zero(numneurons)),
49  stateDelegates()
50 {
51  //--- create the delegates for inputs and outputs vector
52  setDelegateFor<Cluster, &Cluster::inputs>( "inputs" );
53  setDelegateFor<Cluster, &Cluster::outputs>( "outputs" );
55  accOff = !ConfigurationHelper::getBool( params, prefix + "accumulate" );
57  QString vectorSizeErrorTmpl( "The number of elements of the %1 vector in configuration file (%1) is different from the number of neurons (%2)");
58  // inputs is a vector, that is a list of space-separated values
59  QVector<double> vect = ConfigurationHelper::getVector( params, prefix + "inputs" );
60 #ifdef FARSA_DEBUG
61  if ( !vect.isEmpty() && vect.size() != (int)numneurons ) {
62  qWarning() << vectorSizeErrorTmpl.arg( "inputs" ).arg( vect.size() ).arg( numneurons );
63  }
64 #endif
65  inputdata = Eigen::Map<VectorXd>(, numneurons);
67  // outputs is a vector, that is a list of space-separated values
68  vect = ConfigurationHelper::getVector( params, prefix + "outputs" );
69 #ifdef FARSA_DEBUG
70  if ( !vect.isEmpty() && vect.size() != (int)numneurons ) {
71  qWarning() << vectorSizeErrorTmpl.arg( "outputs" ).arg( vect.size() ).arg( numneurons );
72  }
73 #endif
74  outputdata = Eigen::Map<VectorXd>(, numneurons);
76  // The group for the outputFunction is "prefix/OutFunction"
77  if ( ConfigurationHelper::hasGroup( params, prefix+"OutFunction" ) ) {
78  setOutFunction(params.getObjectFromGroup<OutputFunction>( prefix + "OutFunction", true ));
79  } else {
80  // SigmoidFunction as Default
81  setOutFunction(new SigmoidFunction( 1.0 ));
82  }
83  setNeedReset( false );
84 }
87  // No need to delete anything else, we use auto_ptr
88 }
91  updater.reset(up);
92  updater->setCluster( this );
93 }
95 void Cluster::setInput( unsigned int neuron, double value ) {
96  inputdata[neuron] = value;
97 }
99 void Cluster::setInputs( const DoubleVector& inputs ) {
100  inputdata = inputs;
101 }
103 void Cluster::setAllInputs( double value ) {
104  inputdata.setConstant( value );
105  setNeedReset( false );
106 }
109  inputdata.setZero();
110  setNeedReset( false );
111 }
113 double Cluster::getInput( unsigned int neuron ) const {
114  return inputdata[neuron];
115 }
117 void Cluster::setOutput( unsigned int neuron, double value ) {
118  outputdata[neuron] = value;
119 }
121 void Cluster::setOutputs( const DoubleVector& outputs ) {
122  outputdata = outputs;
123 }
125 double Cluster::getOutput( unsigned int neuron ) const {
126  return outputdata[neuron];
127 }
129 void Cluster::save(ConfigurationParameters& params, QString prefix)
130 {
131  Updatable::save( params, prefix );
132  params.startObjectParameters(prefix, "Cluster", this);
133  params.createParameter(prefix, "numNeurons", QString::number(numneurons));
134  params.createParameter(prefix, "accumulate", (isAccumulate() ? "True" : "False"));
135  // First creating a string list, then transforming to a single string
136  QStringList list;
137  for (int i = 0; i < inputdata.size(); i++) {
138  list.push_back(QString::number(inputdata[i]));
139  }
140  params.createParameter(prefix, "inputs", list.join(" "));
141  // Doing the same with outputdata
142  list.clear();
143  for (int i = 0; i < outputdata.size(); i++) {
144  list.push_back(QString::number(outputdata[i]));
145  }
146  params.createParameter(prefix, "outputs", list.join(" "));
147  // and finally the outfunction will be saved in the group "prefix/OutFunction"
148  updater->save( params, params.createSubGroup(prefix, "OutFunction") );
149 }
151 void Cluster::describe( QString type ) {
152  Updatable::describe( type );
153  Descriptor d = addTypeDescription( type, "A Cluster of neurons" );
154  d.describeInt( "numNeurons" ).limits( 1, INT_MAX ).props( IsMandatory ).help( "The number of neurons contained by the Cluster" );
155  d.describeBool( "accumulate" ).def( false ).help( "If true new inputs will be added to the previous values" );
156  d.describeReal( "inputs" ).props( IsList ).help( "The input values of the neurons" );
157  d.describeReal( "outputs" ).props( IsList ).help( "The output values of the neurons" );
158  d.describeSubgroup( "OutFunction" ).type( "OutputFunction" ).help( "The output function used to calculate the output values" );
159 }
161 }
double getInput(unsigned int neuron) const
Get the input of neuron.
Definition: cluster.cpp:113
static QVector< double > getVector(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString paramPath, QString def=QString())
OutputFunction Class.
Library of Common OutputFunction.
void setInputs(const DoubleVector &inputs)
Set the inputs from the vector given.
Definition: cluster.cpp:99
void resetInputs()
Reset the inputs of this cluster; the inputs will be set to zero.
Definition: cluster.cpp:108
DoubleVector & inputs()
Get the array of inputs.
Definition: cluster.h:122
virtual void save(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
Save the actual status of parameters into the ConfigurationParameters object passed.
Definition: updatable.cpp:56
Updatables objects.
Definition: updatable.h:37
void setOutFunction(OutputFunction *up)
Set the output function for all neurons contained This method create an internal copy of the OutputF...
Definition: cluster.cpp:90
void setOutputs(const DoubleVector &outputs)
Set the outputs from the vector given.
Definition: cluster.cpp:121
void setAllInputs(double value)
Set all the inputs with the same value Details...
Definition: cluster.cpp:103
static bool getBool(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString paramPath, bool def=false)
void setInput(unsigned int neuron, double value)
Set the input of neuron Details...
Definition: cluster.cpp:95
void setOutput(unsigned int neuron, double value)
Force the output of the neuron at value specified.
Definition: cluster.cpp:117
double getOutput(unsigned int neuron) const
Get the output of neuron.
Definition: cluster.cpp:125
bool isAccumulate() const
return true if the Cluster will accumulates inputs
Definition: cluster.h:97
virtual void save(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString prefix)
Save the actual status of parameters into the ConfigurationParameters object passed.
Definition: cluster.cpp:129
bool startObjectParameters(QString groupPath, QString typeName, ParameterSettable *object)
static void describe(QString type)
Add to Factory::typeDescriptions() the descriptions of all parameters and subgroups.
Definition: cluster.cpp:151
QString createSubGroup(QString parentPath, QString groupName)
static Descriptor addTypeDescription(QString type, QString shortHelp, QString longHelp=QString(""))
virtual ~Cluster()
Definition: cluster.cpp:86
TypeToCreate * getObjectFromGroup(QString group, bool configure=true, bool forceObjectCreation=false)
DoubleVector & outputs()
Get the array of outputs.
Definition: cluster.h:136
This file contains the declarations of the Cluster class.
static void describe(QString type)
Add to Factory::typeDescriptions() the descriptions of all parameters and subgroups.
Definition: updatable.cpp:61
unsigned int numNeurons() const
Return the number of neurons (the length of input and output arrays)
Definition: cluster.h:82
void setNeedReset(bool b)
Set the state of 'needReset' Used by subclasses into update implementation.
Definition: cluster.h:210
void createParameter(QString groupPath, QString parameter)
static bool hasGroup(ConfigurationParameters &params, QString group)
Cluster(unsigned int numNeurons, QString name="unnamed")
Construct a Cluster.
Definition: cluster.cpp:29