56 void setRestLength(
float rl );
58 float getRestLength();
60 void setMaxTension(
float tmax );
62 float getMaxTension( );
64 void setMaxLength(
float lmax );
77 void setAsh(
float newash );
81 void setKsh(
float ksh,
float reduceFactor = 1.0 );
85 void setViscosity(
float b );
87 float getViscosity( );
89 void setActivation(
float act1,
float act2 );
91 void getActivation(
float& act1,
float& act2 );
93 void getExtension(
float& l1,
float& l2 );
This file contains the common type defitions used on the whole framework.
virtual ~MusclePair()
void getActiveForces(float &ta1, float &ta2)
Return the current extension of muscles.