Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CCannotConvertToTypeExceptionThe exception thrown when casting an ParameterSettable object to the requested type fails
 CCannotFindTypeParameterExceptionThe exception thrown when requested to create an object from a group and the "type" parameter is not in the group
 CClassNameIsAbstractExceptionThe exception thrown when requested class name is registered but cannot be created because it is abstract
 CClassNameNotRegisteredExceptionThe exception thrown when requested class name is not registered with the factory
 CCopyDuringObjectCreationExceptionThe exception thrown when trying to copy a ConfigurationParameter
 CCyclicDependencyExceptionThe exception thrown when a cyclic dependency is discovered during object creation using the ConfigurationParameters facilities
 CNoRuntimeModifiableParameterThe exception thrown when requested a runtime modification of a parameter not marked as runtime modifiable
 COtherObjectBeingCreatedExceptionThe exception thrown when the user requests a new object for a group but there is another object for that group that is in the creation phase or has been created but not yet configured
 CPrefixNotGroupExceptionThe exception thrown when trying to create an object from a using a prefi that is not a group
 CResourceNotDeclaredExceptionThe exception thrown when requesting a resource never declared
 CResourceNotUsableExceptionThe exception thrown when requesting a resource that hasn't been declared as usable
 CResourceTypeMismatchExceptionThe exception thrown when a resource has different type from requested type
 CTypeMismatchOnSettingRuntimeModifiableParameterThe exception thrown when the type mismatch on the requested runtime modification of a parameter
 CUserDefinedCheckFailureExceptionThe exception to throw when a user check on a parameter fails
 CUserRequiredResourceMissingExceptionThe exception to throw when a user needs a resouce during configuration which doesn't exist
 CWrongResourceLockStatusForOperationThe exception thrown when an operation is performed on a ConcurrentResourcesUser object but the lock is not in the correct status
 CParameterSettable::BoolDescriptorUtility Class for customize the description of Boolean parameter
 CcheckClass< T >
 CConfigurationHelperThe class containing some helper function for configuration parameters
 CConfigurationNodeA node in the configuration tree
 CConfigurationParametersThe class containing configuration parameters
 CConfigurationWidgetCreatorThe base class for configuration widgets creators. The implementation is in the template class below
 CConfigurationWidgetCreatorT< T >The class implementing the create function of the class above
 CParameterSettable::DescriptorUtility Class for describe the parameters of a ParameterSettable
 CParameterSettable::EnumDescriptorUtility Class for customize the description of Enum-like parameter
 CFactoryThe class that registers ParameterSettable types
 CFactoryObserverFactoryObserver class to keep trace on operations done by Factory
 CParameterSettable::IntDescriptorUtility Class for customize the description of Integer parameter
 CConfigurationNode::ObjectAndStatusThe structure with the object for a node and its status
 CParameterSettable::ObjectDescriptorUtility Class for customize the description of an object parameter
 CParameterSettableThe base for classes that can be configured/saved using a ConfigurationParameters object
 CParameterSettableInConstructorThe base for classes that can be configured using a ConfigurationParameters object passed to the constructor
 CParameterSettableWithConfigureFunctionThe base for classes that can be configured using a ConfigurationParameters object
 CParameterSettableCreatorThe base class for object creators. The implementation is in the template class below
 CParameterSettableCreatorT< T, ConfigureInConstructor >The class implementing the create function of the class above
 CParameterSettableCreatorT< T, false >The class implementing the create function of the class above
 CParameterSettableUIThe ParameterSettableUI is the base (abstract) class that manage/create the graphic user interface for a ParameterSettable
 CParameterSettableUIViewerHelper class for storing information about a viewer for a ParameterSettable
 CParametersFileLoaderSaverThe base for all classes able to load/save configuration parameters from/to file
 CConfigurationWidgetThe base class for widgets for editing configuration parameters
 CParameterSettable::RealDescriptorUtility Class for customize the description of Real valued parameter
 CRealFactoryFactory class to create ParameterSettable objects
 CFactory::RegisterClassHelper< false, H >
 CFactory::RegisterClassHelper< true, H >
 CResourceResource is a class representing a generic resource addable into ResourceCollection
 CResourcesUserThe parent of classes managing resources
 CConcurrentResourcesUserA class to access/declare resources in a thread-safe way
 CSimpleResourcesUserA simple class to access/declare resources (not thread-safe)
 CResourceCollectionThe class keeping the resources
 CResourceCollectionHolderThis keeps an instance of ResourceCollection eventually sharing it
 CResourceHandlerThe class for representing a resource
 CResourceMutexHolderA class that allows sharing the same mutex among different objects
 CResourcesLockerThe class to use to acquire the lock on resources
 CRuntimeParameterObserverInterface for any observer who needs to be notified when a runtime parameter changes
 CRuntimeParameterSetterThis is the base class for the hierarchy for wrapping the methods for setting a runtime modifiable parameter
 CMethodSetter< T, H >The class implementing the setter when the parameter can changed by directly access to the value using the pointer to the parameter
 CParameterSettable::StringDescriptorUtility Class for customize the description of String parameter
 CParameterSettable::SubgroupDescriptorUtility Class for customize the description of a subgroup